通过如下语句查询实时的等待事件 select * from v$session_wait where event = 'SQL*Net message to client' order by sid 非实时查询该等待 select * from v$session_event where event ='SQL*Net message to client' order by time_waited desc 注意这里的信息是从实例起来的汇总,同时由于SID是可以复用的,所...
the “SQL*Net message to client” wait time can be used as a low-confidence indicator of your SQL*Net throughput (in conjunction with “bytes sent via SQL*Net to client”), but never a measure of network latency!”
Troubleshooting Waits for 'SQL*Net message to client' and 'SQL*Net more data to client' Events from a Performance Perspective (Doc ID 1404526.1) 什么是“SQL*Net message to client”和“SQL*Net more data to client”事件?等待'SQL*Net message to client'发生在服务进程发送数据或消息给客户端并等...
the“SQL*Net message to client”wait time can be used as a low-confidence indicator of your SQL*Net throughput (in conjunction with“bytes sent via SQL*Net to client”), but never a measure of network latency!”
简介:在ORACLE当中有两个很常见的等待事件“SQL*Net message from client”与“SQL*Net message to client”,两者有点区别,下面整理这方面的资料如下: SQL*Net message from client 表示服务端等待着Cilent发来请求让它处理,这时就会产生SQL*Net message from client等待事件。
SQL*Net message to client SQL*Net message to client The server (foreground process) is sending a message to the client. 这个wait event不是idle的,千万别跟其他wait event搞混了。 他发生在返回数据数据的时候。 如果他突然特别大,有可能网络有问题,也有可能客户端太忙...
a.username,a.sid,a.serial# from v$session a,v$process c WHERE c.addr=a.paddr and spid=pid 查出相应的SESSION 3、用语句select * from v$session_wait where sid=...查出等待事件,发现等待事件为sql*Net message from client 4、将该进程KILL掉,用命令vmstat发现CPU使用正常 ...
(DeltaNetMsgToClientTime/DeltaServiceTime)*100 where:DeltaNetMsgToClientTime: difference of 'sum of time waited for sessions of foreground processes on the 'SQL*Net message to client' event' between sample end and start DeltaServiceTime: difference of 'sum of time waited for sessions of ...
今天讲SQL*Net message from client 等待事件 和SQL*Net message to client 等待事件 SQL*Net message from client 图同样没找到~ 这个等待事件发生在会话在完成请求后等待后续client发送命令,我们查询v$session可以看到处于这种等待事件的session状态为非活动 Oracle将该等待事件列为Idle类 ...
找到sid; 2.通过以下sql找到具体的sql脚本 SELECT sql_text FROM v$sqltext a WHERE a.hash_value = (SELECT sql_hash_value FROM v$session b WHERE b.SID = '&sid') ORDER BY piece ASC 3.分析你找到的sql,看看是不是做了全表扫描 ...