Is there a way to use multiple sql statements with JDBC step while using Oracle database? I can have multiple inserts, updates etc. in one test step while working with Postgres, but with oracle I get ORA-00933 error. Is there a workaround so I don't have to make loads of sep...
2006/06/29 Example: Multiple Recordset Objects for Multiple SQL Statements in a Single Command Const DS = "MySqlServer" Const DB = "Northwind" Const DP = "SQLOLEDB" Dim objRs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim CommandText As String Dim ConnctionString As String CommandText = "SELECT OrderID, " ...
Subject Written By Posted sql script with multiple insert statements is throwing error Sethu Panicker May 20, 2024 09:11AM Re: sql script with multiple insert statements is throwing error Sethu Panicker May 20, 2024 02:28PM Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. Click... but cannot get it to work with my logic for some reason. For example, the following query: ;WITH CTE1 AS (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120) AS Col1), ...
ShardingSphere does not support multiple SQL in one query. Does anyone want to do this issue? terrymanu added good amateur issue and removed status: volunteer wanted labels Jun 25, 2022 github-actions bot added the status: inactive label Oct 8, 2022 github-actions bot commented Oct 8, 20...
Multiple SQL statements: If you need to execute multiple SQL statements, you can separate them with semicolons (;). This allows you to run a sequence of queries in a single command, without the need for separate executions. Query results: The “dolt sql” command returns the result...
delete both parent and child table records in one query. Delete character and everything after it Delete comma from table column data Delete data from all tables in a schema Delete data in Excel using Openrowset? Delete from Where Exists DELETE From with sub query delete large number of rows...
I am creating DB inputs in the Splunk DB Connector 3.0.2. I would like to run 2 sql statements or possibly more in some instances . When I use a semi column to separate in the Choose and Preview with the editor version sql I get Invalid Query java.sql.SQLSynta...
To query the server collation for an instance of SQL Server, use the SERVERPROPERTY function:SQL Copy SELECT CONVERT (NVARCHAR (128), SERVERPROPERTY('collation')); To query the server for all available collations, use the following fn_helpcollations() built-in function:...
I am using Delphi 7 ADO components (TADOQuery) to integrate with MySQL 4.1. Whenever I issue multiple SQL DML statements (like several INSERT statements) in a single query string it fails because there is more than one statement. I don't have this problem with SQL Server. ...