在Master Data Services 中,在你想要采用更复杂的规则时,可以向业务规则添加多个AND或OR条件。 备注 如果您创建使用OR运算符的业务规则,则考虑为可以独立进行计算的每个条件语句都创建单独的规则。 然后,您可以根据需要排除规则,提供更高的灵活性以及更便于排除故障。
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQLOR conditionwith syntax and examples. Description The SQL OR condition is used to test multiple conditions in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. Any one of the conditions must be met for a record to be selected. ...
Multiple AND Operators You can also use multiple 'AND' operators in an SQL query to combine multiple conditions (or, expressions) together. Conditions combined with the 'AND' operators are evaluated from left to right. If any of the condition evaluate to false, the entire compound condition wil...
The syntax for the AND condition in SQL is: WHERE condition1 AND condition2 ... AND condition_n; Parameters or Arguments condition1, condition2, ... condition_n Multiple conditions that will be tested for each record. All conditions must be met to be included in the result set. ...
SQL Joins on Multiple Conditions We can specify multiple conditions using the AND or OR operators in SQL. These operators allow us to define a set of Boolean expressions which are then evaluated and compared against the resulting set. We use the AND operator to ensure that all the specified ...
Multiple constraints can be listed. You can determine the user-defined or system-supplied name of the constraint by querying the sys.check_constraint, sys.default_constraints, sys.key_constraints, and sys.foreign_keys catalog views. A PRIMARY KEY constraint can't be dropped if an XML index ...
Logical conditions can combine multiple conditions into a single condition. For example, you can use theANDcondition to combine two conditions: (1 = 1) AND (5 < 7) Here are some valid conditions: name = 'SMITH' employees.department_id = departments.department_id hire_date > '01-JAN-08'...
derived_table can use the Transact-SQL table value constructor feature to specify multiple rows. For example, SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10) ) AS MyTable(a, b);. For more information, see Table Value Constructor (Transact-SQL). column_alias...
Installing an instance of SQL Server on a local computer by using syntax and parameters specified in a configuration file. You can use this method to copy an installation configuration to multiple computers, or to install multiple nodes of a failover cluster installation.Note...
When evaluating multiple conditions separated byANDorOR, put the least expensive ones first. For example, check the values of PL/SQL variables before testing function return values, because PL/SQL might be able to skip calling the functions. ...