Sql Server select * into new_tab from tab; Oracle create table new_tab as select * from tab; 在Oracle中select * into from不可以使用,请用create table NewTable as select * from ATable;代替该功能!!!
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "seeeeelect..." - rest of line ignored. sec@11gR2> create table t as as select * from user_objects; create table t as as select * from user_objects * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword sec@11gR2> 5.通过查询SPERRORLOG表获得所有错...
ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword More Details:https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00928 Statement26 INSERTINTOtable_1 (cid, cname, age, height)VALUES('001','Mary','E40','E22')INSERTINTOtable_1 (cid, cname, age, height)VALUES('002','Cat','E22','E40') ...
select n.*,e.CFD SJCFD,CASE m.selectname WHEN '往返' THEN n.chefei=n.OneWay + n.BackPay ELSE n.chefei=n.OneWay END (AS n.carpay)->这个东西怪怪的,不可以这样吧!你去掉试试看可以运行不 FROM FORMTABLE_MAIN_232_DT3 n left outer join UF_BAOXIAO e on n.CFD=e.id...
select * from employee_tbl * 1. ERROR at line 2: 1. ORA-00905: missing keyword 1. SQL> 1. 分析: 这里是语法不正确。这个错误发生在当你在任何特定的命令语法中丢失了强制性的词的时候。如果你使用一个命令的可选部分,这个选项可能要求一个特定的关键词。在这个示例中缺少的关键词是as。这个正确的语...
I have the below query, where if the edit date is not null, then the most recent record needs to be returned and also should be randomized else the records should be randomized. I tried the below order by , but I am getting the missing keyword error. ...
TransientErrors = new int[] { 102 }, // When a SqlCommand executes out of a transaction, // the retry logic will apply if it contains a 'select' keyword. AuthorizedSqlCondition = x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x) || Regex.IsMatch(x, @"\b(SELECT)\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), DeltaTime...
下面的嵌套案例when在我的代码中导致"missing keyword“错误(我使用oracle sql) thencase when b2.PO_NO = 123 then 'ABC' else ' 浏览2提问于2015-07-03得票数 0 1回答 如何查看展开表SQL Macro语句? 、、 我在Oracle 21c数据库中创建了一个表SQL,它从一个通用表执行一个聚合,其中包含分组列和应该汇总...
我尝试在表上创建一个自动递增的列,正如我在这篇 文章 中看到的那样,有两种方法,第二种使用 Identity 列的实现是一种更优雅的解决方案,但是当我尝试实现它时,出现以下错误: Error at Command Line : 3 Column : 31 Error report - SQL Error: ORA-02000: missing ALWAYS keyword 02000. 00000 - "missing ...
Missing Keyword in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE SELECT INTO Statement - Oracle PL/SQL The query below is a simplified version of the PL/SQL I am trying to run that just shows the general structure. In short, I am trying to extract information from SPECIAL_TABLE into the variables c, d. DECLARE c ...