"tomcat": {"tomcat", "manager", "admin"}, "rdp": {"administrator", "admin", "guest"}, "oracle": {"orcl", "sys", "system"}, "ssh": {"root"}, "mysql": {"root"}, "redis": {"", "root"}, "postgresql": {"postgres", "root"}, "sqlserver": {"sa", "administrator"},...
PostgreSQL PHP Generator provides reliable data protection with application, page, and record level security. Support for self-registration of new users is available too. Data manipulation tools PostgreSQL PHP Generator allows you to filter, sort, compare, and partition data according to your needs. ...
Most organizations are looking for professionals in SQL skills. Some in-demand SQL skills are: Database structures Creating a database with SQL SQL statements and clauses SQL database management MySQL and PostgreSQL Master PHP With these in-demand SQL skills you can land in positions as follows...
x-crack - Weak password scanner, Support: FTP/SSH/SNMP/MSSQL/MYSQL/PostGreSQL/REDIS/ElasticSearch/MONGODB - netxfly/x-crack
【端口爆破】PortBrute-一款跨平台小巧的端口爆破工具,支持爆破FTP/SSH/SMB/MSSQL/MYSQL/POSTGRESQL/MONGOD 【端口爆破】x-crack-一款FTP/SSH/SNMP/MSSQL/MYSQL/PostGreSQL/REDIS/ElasticSearch/MONGODB弱口令爆破工具 【威胁日志分析】DeepBlueCLI-通过Windows事件日志来搜寻威胁的powershell模块 Pentest-and-Development...
POSTGRESQL REDIS MONGODB ELASTICSEARCH 那咱们就一起用GO来写一款常见服务的弱口令扫描器,且支持以插件的形式增加新的服务扫描模块。我们的教程暂定为只扫以上服务。 给扫描器启一个屌炸天的名字x-crack,在$GOPATH/src/中建立一个x-crack项目后开始撸码,不要给我说什么底层原理、框架内核,老夫敲代码就是一把梭...
Database.NET offers simple solutions to managing and editingdatabases. Features: Automatically: Create/Shrink/Protect/Backup/RestoreDatabase, Syntax Highlighting, Service Manager, DDL, Code Examples, Multiple ... Excel, dBASE, Firebird, MySQL, SQL Server, SQL Azure,SQLCe, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle...
SQLMap is a free tool, and you can download it from Git. Its powerful detention engine supports all leading database management systems, including MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, and more. ...
Security has always been a primary concern for database experts, and with the advent of new, decentralized services, it’s become even more crucial. Microsoft addressed the need for an added level of security in SQL with the introduction of Always Encryp
『安全开发教程』年轻人的第一款弱口令扫描器(x-crack) 概述 第2章扫描器中的一个示例程序。 简介 我们在做企业安全时,弱口令检测是系统/网络安全的最基础的部分之一,根据经验,经常会出现弱口令的服务如下: FTP SSH SMB MYSQL MSSQL POSTGRESQL RE