Download the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for managing and configuring instances of SQL Server and Azure SQL.
Download SSMS Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2 SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have apreviewversion of SSMS 20 installed, uninstall it before installing SSMS 20.2. Installing SSMS 20.2 doesn't upgrade or replace SSMS 19.x and earlier versions....
SQL Server Management Studio 20.2: If you access this page from a non-English language version and want to see the most up-to-date content, selectRead in Englishat the top of this page. To download different languages, selectavailable languages. ...
For details and more information about what's new in this release, seeRelease notes for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2. Download SSMS Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2 SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have apreviewversion of SSMS 20 ...
For details and download information for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview 1, see Install SQL Server Management Studio 21 PreviewDownload SSMSDownload SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have a preview version of SSMS 20 ...
For details and download information for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview 1, see Install SQL Server Management Studio 21 PreviewDownload SSMSDownload SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have a preview version of SSMS 20 ...
Download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express from Official Microsoft Download Center Surface 裝置 原創設計 立即選購 感謝您下載 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 如果您的下載並未在 30 秒後啟動,請 按一下這裡以手動下載 安裝指示 ...
Download SSMS Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2 SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have apreviewversion of SSMS 20 installed, uninstall it before installing SSMS 20.2. Installing SSMS 20.2 doesn't upgrade or replace SSMS 19.x and earlier versions....
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) 是一套免費又簡單好用的圖形化管理工具,可以用來管理 SQL Server 2005 Express Edition 和 SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services。
Download SQL Server Developer Download Visual Studio SQL Server Management Studio components Expand table DescriptionComponent UseObject Explorerto view and manage all objects in one or more instances of SQL Server.Object Explorer UseTemplate Explorerto build and manage files of boilerplate text that you...