安装SQL Server 2014 Express非常简单,只需要按照官方的安装向导进行操作即可。在安装过程中,可以选择安装SQL Server实例和SQL Server Management Studio。SQL Server实例是数据库引擎的安装,而SQL Server Management Studio是用于管理和开发数据库的工具。 连接到数据库 安装完成后,可以使用SQL Server Management Studio连接...
首先,您需要下载并安装 SQL Server 2014 Express 版本以及 SQL Server 2014 Express Management Studio。安装完成后,可以在开始菜单中找到 SQL Server 2014 Express Management Studio,并启动它。 连接数据库 在SQL Server 2014 Express Management Studio 中,您可以连接到本地或远程的数据库服务器。在连接窗口中,可以...
Express with Advanced Services (SQLEXPRADV_Architecture_Language.exe) 本套件包含 SQL Server Express 的全部元件,包括完整版的 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio。此下載檔案比「含工具」大,因為它也包含全文檢索和 Reporting Services。 Windows on Windows (WoW64) 支援 (SQLEXPR32_Architecture_Language.exe) ...
SQL Server Management Studio Express (SQLManagementStudio_Architecture_Language.exe) This does not contain the database, but only the tools to manage SQL Server instances, including LocalDB, SQL Express, SQL Azure, full version of SQL Server 2014 Management Studio, etc. Use this if you already...
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express 是功能丰富的免费 SQL Server 版本,适合于学习、开发和增强桌面、Web 以及小规模服务器应用程序,也适合于通过 ISV 进行重新分发。SQL Server 2014 Express 版本包括完整的 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio 版本,而不是 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio Express。
Download Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express, run it, and follow the instructions in the setup wizard to install.Installation for existing users:If you have an existing installation of Express with Tools, SQL Server Management Studio Express, or Express with Advanced Services, and want to add the ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express 是功能丰富的免费 SQL Server 版本,适合于学习、开发和增强桌面、Web 以及小规模服务器应用程序,也适合于通过 ISV 进行重新分发。SQL Server 2014 Express 版本包括完整的 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio 版本,而不是 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio Express。
SQL Server Management Studio Express (SQLManagementStudio) This does not contain the database, but only the tools to manage SQL Server instances, including LocalDB, SQL Express, SQL Azure, full version of SQL Server 2014 Management Studio, etc. Use this if you already have the database and ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express 是免費且功能豐富的 SQL Server 版本,適合用來學習、開發、加強桌面、Web 和小型伺服器應用程式,供 ISV 進行轉散發。SQL Server 2014 Express 版包含完整版本的 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio,而不是 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio Express。您...
SQL Server Management Studio Express (SQLManagementStudio) This does not contain the database, but only the tools to manage SQL Server instances, including LocalDB, SQL Express, SQL Azure, full version of SQL Server 2014 Management Studio, etc. Use this if you already have the database and ...