--假设UTC时间DECLARE@UTCDateTimedatetime='2024-11-11 12:00:00';--转换为本地时间DECLARE@LocalDateTimedatetime;SET@LocalDateTime=DATEADD(hour,DATEDIFF(hour, GETUTCDATE(),GETDATE()),@UTCDateTime);SELECT@LocalDateTimeasLocalTime; 反之,如果需要将本地时间转换为UTC时间,可以使用相反的逻辑: --假设本地时...
sql.Time转换为java.time.localtime 、、 我在将从数据库获取的java.sql.Time (UTC)转换为java.time.LocalTime (GMT+1 DST)时遇到问题。它总是错过DST时间。例如,03:00的时间仅转换为04:00的LocalTime,而不是05:00。//Saved UTC time in DB: 03:00 LocalTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(sqlTime.g...
public static SqlDateTime ConvertToLocalTime(SqlDateTime utcTime){if (utcTime.IsNull)return utcTime;elsereturn new SqlDateTime(utcTime.Value.ToLocalTime());}};ii) Save the file in an accessible folder as ConvertToLocalTime.cs. I saved this example in the following folder D:\OtherSt...
UTC 时区,也就是默认 0 时区,对应中国北京是东八区 ⭐ TIMESTAMP_LTZ(带时区信息的时间):没有字符串来指定,而是通过 java 标准 epoch 时间 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z 开始计算的毫秒数。举例:1640966400000 ⭐ 其时区信息是怎么指定的呢?是通过本次任务中的时区配置参数table.local-time-zone设置的 ⭐ 时间...
Flink SQL> SET table.local-time-zone=UTC; Flink SQL> SELECT * FROM MyView1; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | LOCALTIME | LOCALTIMESTAMP | CURRENT_DATE | CURRENT_TIME | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | CURRENT_ROW_TIMESTAMP() | NOW() ...
SELECT row_id, UTCTime, dbo.ToLocalTime(UTCTime) AS LocalTime FROM DTTest Notice that the function adds the correct time offset for each month – i.e. 2 hours for February, 3 hours for July. If the input is NULL, the function will return a NULL result. ...
/* Add offset of the local time zone to current time*/ DECLARE @asOf DATETIMEOFFSET = GETDATE() AT TIME ZONE 'Pacific Standard Time'; /* Convert AS OF filter to UTC*/ SET @asOf = DATEADD(HOUR, - 9, @asOf) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'; SELECT EmployeeID, [Name], Position, Department, ...
settable.local-time-zone='GMT+05:30'; 将utc 格式时间转换为timestamp 时间戳 UTC 时间格式数据样例:2022-10-24T10:45:23Z selectunix_timestamp(replace(replace(ts,'T',' '),'Z',''),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')fromtest_temp; to_timestamp 转换不带时区,则转换完毕后依然是数据时间 ...
以下示例返回当前本地日期和时间的本地UNIX时间戳,以及UTC日期和时间值的UTCUNIX时间戳。第一个选择项指定本地CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,第二个指定$HOROLOG(本地日期和时间),第三个指定当前UTC日期和时间: SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(2)) AS CurrTSLocal, ...
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