**/privatestaticList<String> getTableNames(String sql)throwsException { List<String> tablenames =null; TablesNamesFinder tablesNamesFinder=newTablesNamesFinder(); Statement statement= pm.parse(newStringReader(sql));if(statementinstanceofSelect) { tablenames=tablesNamesFinder.getTableList((Select) statemen...
importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.List;importjava.util.regex.Matcher;importjava.util.regex.Pattern;publicclassSQLParser{publicstaticList<String>extractTableNames(Stringsql){// 定义正则表达式匹配模式Stringregex="FROM\\s+(\\w+)";Patternpattern=Pattern.compile(regex,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);Match...
SQLTables() returns a list of table names and associated information stored in the system catalogs of the connected data source. The list of table names is returned as a result set, which can be retrieved using the same functions that are used to retrieve a result set generated by a ...
parse(sql)[0]) return list(extract_table_identifiers(stream)) if __name__ == '__main__': sql = """ select K.a,K.b from (select H.b from (select G.c from (select F.d from (select E.e from A, B, C, D, E), F), G), H), I, J, K order by 1,2; """ table...
分表时Collection<String>参数为上边计算出的分片库,对应的所有分片表的集合tablesNames;PreciseShardingValue为分片属性,其中logicTableName为逻辑表,columnName分片健(字段),value为从 SQL 中解析出的分片健的值。 application.properties配置文件也只需修改分表策略名database-strategy为标准模式standard,分片算法standard....
table_name can be a maximum of 128 characters, except for local temporary table names (names prefixed with a single number sign (#)) that can't exceed 116 characters. AS FileTable Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Creates the new table as a FileTable. You don't ...
util.TablesNamesFinder; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import sun.net.www.content.text.plain; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; public class Main { static String sql1 = "select t1.f1,t1.f2,t2.id,count(*) from table t1 left join table1 t2 right ...
2. Checking a list The word IN allows us to check if an item is in a list. The example shows the name and population for the countries 'Brazil', 'Russia', 'India' and 'China'. Show the name and the population for 'Sweden', 'Norway' and 'Denmark'. ...
SAP HANA database developers list table columns names and column properties for a specific SQL table using SQLScript system view SYS.TABLE_COLUMNS in this tutorial
LINQ to SQL Trick: Get all Table NamesArticle 07/30/2007 It's often useful to be able to list all the tables or columns in your DataContext. One example is if you want to write a report generation system that works for any DataContext class. LINQ to SQL has an API called the Meta...