The example statement takes the string “Hello” and returns its length in bytes. An example output is as shown: lenght_in_bytes 5 SQL Char_Length Function The second method you can use to determine the length of a string is thechar_lengthfunction. Similarly, the function takes a string a...
DEDECLARE@stringVARCHAR(50)='Hello, Read useful articles on'-- original stringDECLARE@startINT=7DECLARE@lengthINT=34SELECTSUBSTRING(@string,@start,@length) Copy In this example, we’ve declared variables @string, @start and @length and assigned values for each variable. Then we...
---Example Uses of the SUBSTRING String Function -- --取名字Usage #1 : Get the First Name and Last Name from a Full Name DECLARE...
LENGTH: Returns the length of the string LENGTH2: Returns the length of the string in UCS2 code points LENGTH4: Returns the length of the string in UCS4 code points LENGTHB: Returns the length of the string in bytes LENGTHC: Returns the length of the string in characters Purpose of the ...
---Example Uses of the SUBSTRING String Function -- --取名字Usage #1 : Get the First Name and Last Name from a Full Name ...
expression- Input string used to get a portion of the string startPosition- Position number used to start getting the substring length -Number of characters for the length of the substring Simple Microsoft SQL SUBSTRING Function Example The following example will start show the substring starting at...
3. LENGTH() The SQL LENGTH() function gives the length of the string. It takes the string as an argument. The syntax is: LENGTH(str) For example, to find the length of the name 'Jones', you will write the function as so:
Oracle Example: -- Get the length of string (returns 5)SELECTLENGTH('Spain')FROMdual; SQLServer Example: -- Get the length of string (returns 5)SELECTLEN('Spain'); LENGTH Conversion Overview Oracle LENGTH toSQLServer conversion summary: ...
A. Using SUBSTRING with a character string The following example shows how to return only a part of a character string. From the Contact table, this query returns the last name in one column with only the first initial in the second column. ...
The Standard SQL function to determine the length of a string isLENGTH().This function takes a string or bytes and returns the string. The syntax is as shown below.: LENGTH(value); Consider an example shown below: SELECT length('hi') as length; ...