Smallest INTEGER value -2 147 483 648 Largest INTEGER value +2 147 483 647 Smallest BIGINT value -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 Largest BIGINT value +9 223 372 036 854 775 807 Largest decimal precision 63 Maximum exponent (Emax) for REAL values 38 Smallest REAL value4 -3.4x1038 Largest ...
FLOOR ( numeric_expression ): This funcion returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified numeric expression. ROUND ( numeric_expression , length [ ,function ] ):This function returns a numeric value, rounded to the specified length or precision. 上述3个取整函数,是个通用函数,...
first_value( expression) over (analytics) Returns the first value in an ordered set of values. floor(number) Returns largest integer equal to or less than number. greatest(expression [,...n]) Returns the greatest of the list of expressions. All expressions after the first are implicitly conv...
Largest integer <= value FLOOR FLOOR Natural logarithm (base 2) LOG(2, n ) LOG( n ) Logarithm, base 10 LOG(10, n ) LOG10( n ) Logarithm, other base LOG( m , n ) N/A Modulus (remainder) MOD % (modulus operator) Power POWER POWER Round ROUND ROUND Sign of number SIGN SIGN ...
All testing was done using the LINEITEM table from the TPC-H dataset. The LINEITEM table is the largest table and contains the largest variety of data types. Two identical servers were used, each with Intel 64-bit processors (24 cores at 2.4 GHz), 32 GB of RAM and an HP disk array...
Largest size supported is %lu bytes. 8730 16 No Offset parameter for Lag and Lead functions cannot be a negative value. 8731 15 No REDISTRIBUTE and REDUCE hints expect the first join condition to be an equality comparison of columns with directly comparable types. Modify the...
floor Operator that returns the largest integer value that is smaller than or equal to a number. They are applicable to expression involving columns. ceil Operator that returns the smallest integer value that is larger than or equal to a number. They are applicable to expression involving columns...
Is an integer or bigint expression that specifies where the returned characters start. If start_expression is less than 1, the returned expression will begin at the first character that is specifed in value_expression. In this case, the number of characters that are returned is the largest va...
This sets the value for the third parameter (the parameter in the WHERE clause). Set the properties on the PreparedStatement for the two table parameters using the following calls: setObject(2,y) setObject(1,z) to set the value for the table parameter. The "y" and "z" values should be...
函数名:ceil包名: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Ceil 解释: ceil(expr) - Returns the smallest integer not smaller thanexpr. 返回不小于“expr”的最小整数。(向上取整) 函数名: ceiling 包名: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Ceil 解释: ceiling(expr) - Returns the smallest intege...