Impala uses SQL as its query language. To protect user investment in skills development and query design, Impala provides a high degree of compatibility with the Hive Query Language (HiveQL): Because Impala uses the same metadata store as Hive to record information about table structure and prop...
This is a SQL command reference for Databricks SQL and Databricks Runtime. For information about using SQL with Delta Live Tables, see Delta Live Tables SQL language reference. Note Databricks SQL Serverless is not available in Azure China. Databricks SQL is not available in Azure Government regio...
Preface Changes in This Release for Oracle Database SQL Language Reference 1 Introduction to Oracle SQL 2 Basic Elements of Oracle SQL 3 Pseudocolumns 4 Operators 5 Expressions 6 Conditions 7 Functions 8 Common SQL DDL Clauses 9 SQL Queries and Subqueries ...
PL/SQL literals include all SQL literals (described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference) and BOOLEAN literals (which SQL does not have). A BOOLEAN literal is the predefined logical value TRUE, FALSE, or NULL. NULL represents an unknown value. Note: Like Oracle Database SQL Language Re...
参考:Apache Impala Guide--Impala SQL Language Reference。 Impala使用和Hive一样的元数据存储,Impala可以访问使用原生Impala CREATE TABLE创建的表和Hive DDL创建的表; Impala支持和HiveQL类似的DML; 支持TRUNCATE(至少在5.5及之前,不支持Kudu表) UPDATE/UPSERT(5.10开始支持Kudu表) ...
U-SQL 是 Azure Data Lake Analytics 服务的新大数据查询语言。 它从Microsoft 的内部大数据语言(称为 SCOPE)发展而来,将熟悉的类似 SQL 的声明性语言与 C# 类型、C# 表达式语言和大数据处理概念(如“读取时架构”、自定义处理器和化简器)提供的可扩展性和可编程性相结合。 它还提供查询和合并来自各种数据源的数...
Query acceleration supports an ANSI SQL-like language for expressing queries over blob contents. The query acceleration SQL dialect is a subset of ANSI SQL, with a limited set of supported data types, operators, etc., but it also expands on ANSI SQL to support queries over hierarchical semi-...
DB2 数据库 SQL 语法参考手册 DB2 提供了关连式资料库的查询语言 SQL (Structured Query Language) ,是一种非常口语化、既易 学又易懂的语法。此一语言几乎是每个资料库系统都必须提供的,用以表示关连式的操作,包含了资料的 定义(DDL)以及资料的处理(DML)。SQL 原来拼成 SEQUEL,这语言的原型以系统 R 的名字...
結構化查詢語言 (SQL) (Structured Query Language (SQL)) SQL 陳述式處理 內嵌SQL SQL 模組 呼叫層級介面 資料庫存取架構 ODBC 架構 ODBC 64 位元資訊 開發應用程式 開發ODBC 驅動程式 API 參考 ODBC 附錄 ODBC 資料來源管理員 ODBC 測試 ODBCconf.exe ...
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference 作者:Steven Feuerstein、Bill Pribyl和Chip Dawes 一本开本不大,能够装进衣兜的工具书,可以快速查阅核心PL/SQL语法,覆盖到Oracle数据库11g版本,非常实用。 OraclePL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference 作者:Steven Feuerstein、John Beresniewicz和Chip Dawes 另一本实用简明的...