3.1. UsingIS NULLOperator Let’s write the SQL query to filter the rows with empty strings or null values in thecodecolumn: SELECT id, name FROM Department WHERE code IS NULL OR code = ''; Here, we used theORcondition within theWHEREclause to combine two conditions. TheIS NULLoperator ...
二、rs("aa")="" or IsEmpty(rs("aa")) or IsNull(rs("aa")) 针对第一节结论中的四种情况,我们分别对其值用rs("aa")="" 、 IsEmpty(rs("aa")) 、IsNull(rs("aa"))进行测试,得出结果: 1.测试rs("aa") = "" 引用内容 rs("aa")="" '结果True IsEmpty(rs("aa")) '结果False IsN...
Checking if String is NULL or EMPTY in SQL Cleaning strings of escape characters before passing to sql Column 'coloumname' does not belong to table categories . Column names in each table must be unique error... Combine first and last name columns in linq Command...
isEmpty && onlyFilter) { throw new TableException("This calc has no useful projection and no filter. " + "It should be removed by CalcRemoveRule.") } else if (condition.isEmpty) { // only projection val projectionCode = s |${if () ctx.reuseInputUnboxingCode() else } |$projection...
excel.Add(cnHeader);//字段中文描述excel.Add(enHeader);//字段名if(isNullTemplate) { dt.Clear(); }varcolumnSettingMap = columnSettings?.ToDictionary(r => r.FieldName, r => r);//生成excel columnSettingMap == null ? null :excel.WriteExcel(dt, savePath, cellRenderFun: (sheet, row, ...
[ if exists ] 'table_name';//删除表lsztablemysql>drop table lsztable;QueryOK,0rowsaffected(0.01sec)mysql>show tables;Emptyset(0.00sec)//创建表时,设置字段、表的字符编码mysql>create tabletb_course(id int notnullprimary key auto_increment,course_namevaarchar(50))defaultcharactersetutf8 collate ...
The Oracle NVL function allows you to use a different value when a NULL or empty value is found. Why would this be useful? It’s good for translating data back to the users or systems that access it. It’s also good for aggregate functions and grouping, so you can actually see what ...
<isNotNull> 检查属性是否不为null。 <isEmpty> 检查Collection.size()的值,属性的String或String.valueOf()值,是否为null或空(“”或size() < 1)。 <isNotEmpty> 检查Collection.size()的值,属性的String或String.valueOf()值,是否不为null或不为空(“”或size() > 0)。