Input: SELECT LENGTH ('Hello Javatpoint') FROM DUAL; Output: 16 D) INSTR: This function finds the exact numeric position of a specified character or word in a given string. For example: Input: SELECT INSTR ('Hello Javatpoint', 'Javatpoint'); ...
Query 1: Write a query to create the table in Structured Query Language. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Sol: ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Syntax to Create a Table in SQL: CREATETABLEtable_name ( column_Name1 data type (sizeofthecolumn), column_Name2 data type (sizeofthecolumn), column_Name3 data ...
Interview QuestionsJava Interview QuestionsSQL Interview QuestionsPython Interview QuestionsJavaScript Interview QuestionsAngular Interview QuestionsSelenium Interview QuestionsSpring Boot Interview QuestionsHR Interview QuestionsC++ Interview QuestionsData Structure Interview Questions About This website is developed to ...
Accessing is faster in the value type on comparison to reference type. The value type can contain null value while reference type can't hold a null value. The value types are derived from System. Value Type while Reference type is derived from System Object. Means value type stores a partic...
Javatpoint provides tutorials with examples, code snippets, and practical insights, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers. There are also many interview questions which will help students to get placed in the companies. ContactContact Us Privacy PolicySitemapAbout Me © Cop...
As we can see, the above four queries return four result set using different grouping sets. Here we have an issue to execute a fresh query each time to create a new group or category for analyzing the data from a different point of view. SQL Server has another way also to get the sa...
Interview Questions SQL Server Interview Latest Courses We provides tutorials and interview questions of all technology like java tutorial, android, java frameworks Contact info G-13, 2nd Floor, Sec-3, Noida, UP, 201301, India ...
WHEREMARKSISNOTNULL SIR_NAMENAMEMARKS SINGHRAMAN5.5 JAISWALVICKY6.2 Next TopicSQL WHERE Clause <<prevnext>> For Videos Join Our Youtube Channel:Join Now Feedback Send your Feedback to Help Others, Please Share
Next TopicSQL Interview Questions ADVERTISEMENT← prev next → For Videos Join Our Youtube Channel: Join Now FeedbackSend your Feedback to Help Others, Please ShareLearn Latest Tutorials Splunk SPSS Swagger Transact-SQL Tumblr ReactJS Regex Reinforcement Learning ...
DBMS MCQ Interview Questions DBMS Interview SQL Interview← prevnext → SQL Aggregate Functions SQL aggregation function is used to perform the calculations on multiple rows of a single column of a table. It returns a single value. It is also used to summarize the data. ...