我的做法是先创建一个临时表,将需要插入的数据先插入到临时表里面,然后把这个临时表作为参数,传送给stored procedure。使用了Preparestatement来避免SQL注入问题。 先创建User Defined Table CREATETYPE UserIdListASTABLE( userId uniqueidentifierNOTNULL); 再创建存储过程: CREATEPROC insertIntoExamArrange@subjectIdunique...
mysql>DELIMITER//mysql>CREATEPROCEDUREproc1--name存储过程名->(INparameter1INTEGER)->BEGIN->DECLAREvariable1CHAR(10);->IFparameter1=17THEN->SETvariable1='birds';->ELSE->SETvariable1='beasts';->ENDIF;->INSERTINTOtable1VALUES(variable1);->END->//mysql>DELIMITER ; 三.MySQL存储过程的调用 用ca...
Insert into table from another stored procedure does not work when stored procedure has timestamp column insert into table one or Multiple result sets from stored procedure INSERT INTO table using dynamic sql Insert Into Table Variable Slow insert into temporary table by splitting string in sql INSE...
type TestArray is table of info index by binary_integer; 1. 2. 3. – 此处声明了一个TestArray 的类型数据,其实其为一张存储Info 数据类型的Table 而已,及TestArray 就是一张表,有两个字段,一个是name ,一个是y 。需要注意的是此处使用了Index by binary_integer 编制该Table 的索引项,也可以不写,...
使用具有 CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure 的SqlCommand 來執行預存程序。 SqlClient 不支援備妥的 RPC 程序呼叫。 SqlClient 不支援針對原生編譯預存程序所傳回結果集而擷取其僅限結構描述的資訊 (中繼資料探索) (CommandType.SchemaOnly)。 請改用 sp_describe_fir...
select @param4=>sum(价格) from book go 执行例子: declare @total_price money exec insert_book '003','>Delphi 控件开发指南',$100,@total_price print '总金额为'+convert(varchar,@total_price) go SQL存储过程的3种传回值: 1.以Return传回整数 ...
ALTER TABLE modifies a table definition by altering, adding, or dropping columns and constraints. ALTER TABLE also reassigns and rebuilds partitions, or disables and enables constraints and triggers.
TheEXECUTE ASclause can be specified in theCREATE PROCEDUREstatement to enable impersonating another user, or enable users or applications to perform certain database activities without needing direct permissions on the underlying objects and commands. For example, some actions such asTRUNCATE TABLEdon'...
Expand table Task descriptionArticle Describes how to create a stored procedure.Create a stored procedure Describes how to modify a stored procedure.Modify a stored procedure Describes how to delete a stored procedure.Delete a stored procedure
execute_statement inserts the data returned by the main thread of the extended procedure; however, output from threads other than the main thread are not inserted.You cannot specify a table-valued parameter as the target of an INSERT EXEC statement; however, it can be specified as a source ...