The ASC keyword in the context of ORDER BY clause tells the database engine to sort the data in ascending order. It is good to keep in mind that this is the default option for the ORDER BY clause. Hence, even if we do not explicitly tell SQL to sort the data in ascending order, i...
78.From the following table, write a SQL query to find the employees whose annual salary is less than $25,000 per year. Sort the result set in ascending order of the salary. Return complete information about the employees. Pictorial Presentation: Sample table: employees Sample Solution: SELECT...
在有很多合法选项时,IN操作符的语法更清楚,更直观。 在与其他AND和OR操作符组合使用IN时,求值顺序更容易管理。 IN操作符一般比一组OR操作符执行得更快(在上面这个合法选项很少的例子中,你看不出性能差异)。 IN的最大优点是可以包含其他SELECT语句,能够更动态地建立WHERE子句。第11课会对此进行详细介绍。 IN WHER...
SQL 语句中, asc是指定列按升序排列,desc则是指定列按降序排列。排序子句语法:order by 列名 asc/desc 例表格:tt 1、按列n2的升序排列 select * from tt order by n2 asc;2、按列n2的降序排列 select * from tt order by n2 desc;3、复合排序,先按列n1升序排列,再按n2降序排列 select ...
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQL ORDER BY clause with syntax and examples. The SQL ORDER BY clause is used to sort the records in the result set for a SELECT statement.
--Sorting datainascending(ASC)ordescending(DESC)orderSELECT*FROMtable_nameORDERBYcolumn_nameASC/DESC; 聚合函数 代码语言:javascript 复制 --Count recordsSELECTCOUNT(column_name)FROMtable_name;--Averageofa columnSELECTAVG(column_name)FROMtable_name;--Sumofa columnSELECTSUM(column_name)FROMtable_name;...
Rules of precedence for operators in an expression Sorting rows using the ORDER BY clause Substitution variables DEFINE and VERIFY commands 1、Restrict 限制(Where-condition)The essential capabilities of SELECT statement are Selection, Projection and Joining. Displaying specific columns from a table is ...
通过在 ORDER BY 子句中使用 ASC 或 DESC 关键字,可以按结果集中的一列或多列以升序或降序对查询结果进行排序。 备注 排序顺序在一定程度上由列的排序规则顺序来决定。 可以在“排序规则”对话框中更改排序规则顺序。 下面的过程假设您已在查询和视图设计器中打开了一个查询,该查询使用 ORDER BY 子句...
The SQL ORDER BY TheORDER BYkeyword is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order. ExampleGet your own SQL Server Sort the products by price: SELECT*FROMProducts ORDERBYPrice; Try it Yourself » Syntax SELECTcolumn1,column2, ......
ORDER BY "column_name" [ASC, DESC]; The [ ] means that the WHERE statement is optional. However, if a WHERE clause exists, it comes before the ORDER BY clause. ASC means that the results will be shown in ascending order, and DESC means that the results will be shown in descending ...