NULL isn't zero or blank: NULL means no entry was made or an explicit NULL was supplied, and it typically implies that the value is either unknown or not applicable. When you use CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE to create or alter a table, database and session settings influence and possibly...
UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints are always enforced. When importing into a character column that is defined with a NOT NULL constraint, BULK INSERT inserts a blank string when there's no value in the text file. At some point, you must examine the constraints on the whole table. If the...
01004 String data, right truncated String or binary data returned for a column resulted in the truncation of nonblank character or non-NULL binary data. If it was a string value, it was right-truncated. 01S01 Error in row An error occurred while fetching one or more rows. (If this SQL...
UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints are always enforced. When importing into a character column that is defined with a NOT NULL constraint, BULK INSERT inserts a blank string when there's no value in the text file. At some point, you must examine the constraints on the whole table. If the...
SQL使用三值的逻辑系统,包括真、假和null,null表示"未知"。观察下面的真值表: 操作符AND和OR是可交换的,也就是说,你可以交换左右操作数而不影响结果。 2. 比较函数和操作符 常见的比较操作符都可用,如Table 9-1所示。 Table 9-1. 比较操作符
SQL Server 和应用程序之间的流式处理支持(.NET Framework 4.5 中的新增功能)支持服务器上的非结构化数据(文档、图像和媒体文件)。 SQL Server 数据库可以存储二进制大型对象 (BLOB),但检索 BLOB 会使用大量内存。 针对SQL Server 的流式处理支持简化了对数据进行流式处理的应用程序的编写,无需完全将数据加载到内...
If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer ...
将类型为 java.lang.String 的非 null 参数值进行分割的转换器 属性含义说明 params 参数名表达式 可使用 * 作为通配符,多个参数表达式之间使用逗号分隔。 regex 分割正则表达式 如“,”等。 limit 最大分割子字符串数 可缺省,指定时,必须为大于1的正整数。 参数过滤器 BlankParamsFilter 空白字符串参数过滤器,作...
01004String data, right truncatedString or binary data returned for an input/output or output parameter resulted in the truncation of nonblank character or non-NULL binary data. If it was a string value, it was right-truncated. (Function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.) ...