Use XQuery to split the string value and transform a delimited string into XML First of all, we need to create a table and insert data into it which will be used in all three methods. The table should contain a single row with field id and string with delimiter characters in it. Create...
The first method is on how to use Standard SQL to split a string by a delimiter. For that, we can use the split() function as shown in the syntax below: SPLIT(value[, delimiter]) The function takes the string and the delimiter as the arguments. Then, it splits the string based on...
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplitString] ( @string NVARCHAR(MAX), @delimiter CHAR(1) ) RETURNS @output TABLE(splitdata NVARCHAR(MAX) ) BEGIN DECLARE @start INT, @end INT SELECT @start = 1, @end = CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @string) WHILE @start < LEN(@string) + 1 B...
how can split a strin in sql using comaa delimiter thanks in advanceReply Answers (2) 0 Prabhu Raja 0 4.5k 2.5m Sep 1 2011 4:55 AM Hi mittal, try this codesCREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split(@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter char(1)) returns @temptable TABLE (items varchar(8000)) as ...
需要注意的是,STRING_SPLIT函数只适用于SQL Server 2016及以上版本。 方法二:使用自定义函数实现字符串分割 除了使用内置函数外,我们还可以通过自定义函数来实现字符串分割。下面是一个使用自定义函数实现字符串分割的示例代码: CREATEFUNCTIONdbo.SplitString(@strVARCHAR(MAX),@delimiterCHAR(1))RETURNS@resultTABLE(va...
虽然STRING_SPLIT函数已经足够使用,但有时候我们需要更多的控制和灵活性。这时可以自定义拆分函数。以下是一个示例: CREATEFUNCTIONdbo.SplitString(@stringNVARCHAR(MAX),@delimiterCHAR(1))RETURNS@outputTABLE(IdINTIDENTITY(1,1),valueNVARCHAR(MAX))ASBEGINDECLARE@startINT,@endINTSET@start=1SET@end=CHARINDEX(@...
leading space that will appear for second and subsequent items in the list after you split by ...
定义完成后,通过命令:SELECT SPLIT_STR(string, delimiter, position)使用,但该函数只是实现了split,但并为分离所有的,一定程度上仍然不满足。 定义函数中可能会遇到【ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, xxx】错误,通过set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;设置即可...
you can use string_split instead of substring but I wrote with two ways(substring without New ...
But there’s a new, faster game in town!SQL Server 2016 introduces a brand new STRING_SPLIT function: 1 SELECT*FROMSTRING_SPLIT('This is a space-delimited string that I would like to split.',' '); Here’s how the results look: ...