Oracle 也可以使用 SYSDATE 函数获取当前日期,例如: SELECT TRUNC(SYSDATE) AS today FROM dual; TODAY | ---| 2020-10-14 00:00:00| 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SYSDATE 函数同样会返回日期和时间两部分信息,使用 TRUNC 函数截断时间部分。 获取昨天的日期 基于当前日期减去一天,就可以获得昨天的日期。对于 MySQL,...
DATEADD Adds an interval to a date value in SQL Server. DATEDIFF Calculates the difference between two dates in MySQL and SQL Server. DATEPART Extracts a specific part of a date/time value in SQL Server. GETDATE Retrieves database time in SQL Server. SYSDATE Retrieves database time ...
s_date :=SYSDATE; v_sql :='SELECT fu.user_id, fu.user_name, fu.CREATION_DATE FROM fnd_user fu where fu.user_id = :userId'; v_cursor :=dbms_sql.open_cursor;--打开游标;dbms_sql.parse(v_cursor, v_sql, dbms_sql.native);--解析动态SQL语句;dbms_sql.bind_variable(v_cursor,':use...
DECLARE TYPE Manager IS RECORD ( mgrid integer, mgrname varchar2(40), hiredate date ); TYPE Manager_table is TABLE OF Manager INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; Mgr_rec Manager; Mgr_table_rec Manager_table; BEGIN mgr_rec.mgrid := 1; mgr_rec.mgrname := 'Mike'; mgr_rec.hiredate := sysdate; ...
CREATEORREPLACEPACKAGEMY_PACKAGEISspacevarchar(1) :=' '; unitname varchar(128) := 'My Simple Package'; ts date := sysdate;END; SSMA 會將它轉換成下列 Transact-SQL 程式代碼: SQL複製 CREATEPROCEDUREdbo.MY_PACKAGE$SSMA_Initialize_PackageASBEGINEXECUTEssma_oracle.db_clean_storageEXECUTEssma_oracle....
OF quantity;IF qty_on_hand > 0 THEN -- check quantityUPDATE inventory SET quantity = quantity - 1WHERE product = 'TENNIS RACKET';INSERT INTO purchase_recordVALUES ('Tennis racket purchased', SYSDATE);ELSEINSERT INTO purchase_recordVALUES ('Out of tennis rackets', SYSDATE);END IF;COMMIT;END...
The following examples illustrate how to call the Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedure using DAO. Private Sub Command2_Click()Dim sSql As StringsSql = "{call byroyalty()}"'In Oracle ODBC driver use refcusor argument to get result setSet rCustomers = dbsServer.Ope...
Use the function GETDATE() in place of the Oracle SYSDATE to get the current system date and time.Sequences and the IDENTITY Property If your Oracle application currently uses sequences to generate sequential numeric values, it can be altered to take advantage of the SQL Server IDENTITY ...
+ Map results = execute(new HashMap()); + Date sysdate = (Date) results.get("date"); + return sysdate; + } + } + +} +``` + +下面是一个包含两个输出参数的存储过程例子。 + +``` +import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes; +import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter; +...
declare ctxId ExcelGen.ctxHandle; sheet1 ExcelGen.sheetHandle; sheet2 ExcelGen.sheetHandle; rc sys_refcursor; begin ctxId := ExcelGen.createContext(ExcelGen.FILE_XLSX); open rc for select sysdate D1 , sysdate D2 , 1 N1 , 1.26 N2 , systimestamp T1 , systimestamp T2 from dual ; ...