下面的示例展示了如何从表column_b中删除列dbo.doc_exb。 表和列必须已经存在。 SQL ALTERTABLEdbo.doc_exbDROPCOLUMNcolumn_b; GO 如果该列包含约束或其他依赖项,则会返回一条错误消息。 通过删除引用的约束解决该错误。 有关更多示例,请参阅ALTER TABLE。
In this article, we will explore the process of SQL Delete column from an existing table. We will also understand the impact of removing a column with defined constraints and objects on it. 在本文中,我们将探讨从现有表中删除SQL列的过程。 我们还将理解删除具有定义的约束和对象的列的影响。 (Int...
Delete columns using Table Designer The following steps explain how to delete columns with Table Designer in SSMS: In Object Explorer, right-click the table from which you want to delete columns and choose Design. Right-click the column you want to delete and choose Delete Column from the shor...
Delete columns using Table Designer The following steps explain how to delete columns with Table Designer in SSMS: InObject Explorer, right-click the table from which you want to delete columns and chooseDesign. Right-click the column you want to delete and chooseDelete Columnfrom the shortcut ...
Delete columns using Table Designer The following steps explain how to delete columns with Table Designer in SSMS: InObject Explorer, right-click the table from which you want to delete columns and chooseDesign. Right-click the column you want to delete and chooseDelete Columnfrom the shortcut ...
Delete columns using Table Designer The following steps explain how to delete columns with Table Designer in SSMS: InObject Explorer, right-click the table from which you want to delete columns and chooseDesign. Right-click the column you want to delete and chooseDelete Columnfrom the shortcut ...
搜尋刪除指定用來限定要刪除的資料列之搜尋條件。 例如,WHEREcolumn_name=value。 定位刪除利用 CURRENT OF 子句來指定資料指標。 刪除作業發生在資料指標目前的位置上。 這比使用 WHEREsearch_condition子句來限定要刪除之資料列的搜尋 DELETE 陳述式還要精確。 如果搜尋條件並未唯一識別單一資料列,搜尋 DELETE 陳述式會...
You can delete data from more than one table in a single operation by including aJOINclause. JOINclauses are used to combine rows from two or more tables into a single query result. They do this by finding a related column between the tables and sorting the results appropriately in the ou...
搜索删除指定搜索条件以限定要删除的行。 例如,WHEREcolumn_name=value。 定位删除使用 CURRENT OF 子句指定游标。 删除操作在游标的当前位置执行。 这比使用 WHEREsearch_condition子句限定待删除行的搜索 DELETE 语句更为精确。 如果搜索条件不唯一标识单行,则搜索 DELETE 语句删除多行。