Adds a column to the table. Except for the following columns, all values of the column in existing rows are set to its default value: ROWID column Identity column Row change timestamp column Row-begin column Row-end column Transaction-start-ID column...
The C type was an exact or approximate numeric, a datetime, or an interval data type; the SQL type of the column was a character data type; and the value in the column was not a valid literal of the bound C type. 24000Invalid cursor state(DM) The function was called without first ...
在使用 incolumn 參數指定的值中,已對加權內容指定錯誤資料類型的值。 使用者回應 指定有效的參數字串,重新呼叫常式。 sqlcode:-20560 sqlstate:22548SQL20561N 無法執行分析作業,因為表格發生問題。常式名稱:routine-name。表格名稱:table-name。分析訊息 ID:message-ID。診斷詳細資料:runtime-details。 解說 當呼...
Specifies that the values in the specified column should be sorted in ascending or descending order.ASCsorts from the lowest value to highest value.DESCsorts from highest value to lowest value.ASCis the default sort order.NULLvalues are treated as the lowest possible values. ...
The SET options in the required value column are required whenever any of the following conditions occur:You create a filtered index. An INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE operation modifies the data in a filtered index. The query optimizer uses the filtered index to produce the query plan....
The initialization of record fields is as shown in the following table.Expand table Record field nameTypeR/WDefault SQL_DESC_AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE SQLINTEGER ARD: Unused APD: Unused IRD: R IPD: Unused ARD: Unused APD: Unused IRD: D IPD: Unused SQL_DESC_BASE_COLUMN_NAME SQLCHAR * ARD: ...
Lost updates occur when two or more transactions select the same row and then update the row based on the value originally selected. Each transaction is unaware of the other transactions. The last update overwrites updates made by the other transactions, which results in lost data. For example...
If a conflict occurs between two Subscribers using server subscriptions (the default type for push subscriptions), the change from the Subscriber with the highest priority value is kept, and the change from the second Subscriber is discarded. If the priority values are equal, the change from the...
1 SQL Query only to return min/Max Value for each row 1 How to find the min and max of each group with SQL? 1 Selecting a Max and Min from the same column in SQL in a single query 0 SQL Server Find Max and Min in Group Hot Network Questions Vertices, Edges, and Face sel...
For example, the evaluation of the expression 10 / column_1 returns an error if the value in column_1 is 0. The error is returned during CREATE INDEX processing if the table is not empty and contains a row with a value of zero in column_1, otherwise the error is returned during the...