group by count(last_name), first_name, phone_number * ERROR at line 3: ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here SQL> 分析: 对于任何group功能, COUNT不能用在GROUP BY条件中。你只可以列出字段和非group功能,例如在GROUP BY 中使用SUBSTR条件。 提示: COUNT是一个作用于查询中的group上的功能。
SELECT cust_nbr, COUNT(order_nbr)FROM cust_orderGROUP BY cust_nbr, COUNT(order_nbr);GROUP BY cust_nbr, COUNT(order_nbr)* ERROR at line 3: ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here Constants can be omitted from the GROUP BY clause ...
4 GROUP BY dept_id; WHERE AVG(salary) > 2000 * ERROR at line 3: ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here 应在GROUP BY 后面加上HAVING AVG(salary) > 2000; 因为是用来限制组的返回。 多级分组实例: SQL> SELECT dept_id, title, COUNT(*) 2 FROM s_emp 3 GROUP BY dept_id, title...
It is not allowed because the metadata is not versioned. A concurrent update to metadata could lead to inconsistency if mixed with snapshot isolation. The following table shows the concurrency side effects enabled by the different isolation levels. Expand table Isolation levelDirty ...
It is not allowed because the metadata is not versioned. A concurrent update to metadata could lead to inconsistency if mixed with snapshot isolation. 下表显示了不同隔离级别导致的并发副作用。 展开表 隔离级别脏读不可重复读虚拟 READ UNCOMMITTED 是 是 是 READ COMMITTED No 是 是 REPEATABLE READ...
It is not allowed because the metadata is not versioned. A concurrent update to metadata could lead to inconsistency if mixed with snapshot isolation.。 次の表に、各分離レベルで許容されているコンカレンシーの副作用を示します。 テーブルを展開する 分離レベルダーティ ...
Note Replace 'strongpasswordhere' with a different secret here.CREATE statement isn't supported in the master databaseIf your query fails with the error message Failed to execute query. Error: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE/DATA SOURCE/DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL/FILE FORMAT is not supported in master data...
Ensure that the password is not longer than the limit allowed. sqlcode: -1003 sqlstate: 28000 SQL1004CThere is not enough storage on the file system to process the command. Explanation There is not enough storage on the specified file system to process the command. ...
PLS-00122 USING is not allowed on this function Cause: USING rather than a comma is separating function arguments, but the function is not a built-in for which this is expected. Action: Change the argument specification or the function name. PLS-00123 program too large Cause: PL/SQL ...