简介: SQL 注入神器:SQLMap 参数详解 一、介绍 SQLMap 是一款用于自动化 SQL 注入检测与渗透测试的开源工具,其主要功能是检测和利用 Web 应用程序中的 SQL 注入漏洞。以下是 SQLMap 的主要特点和功能: 自动化检测:SQLMap 可以自动发现 Web 应用程序中的 SQL 注入漏洞,包括基于 GET 和 POST 参数的注入点,以及 ...
–referer=REFERER 指定 HTTP Referer 头–headers=HEADERS 换行分开,加入其他的 HTTP 头–auth-type=ATYPE HTTP 身份验证类型(基本,摘要或 NTLM)(Basic, Digest or NTLM)–auth-cred=ACRED HTTP 身份验证凭据(用户名:密码)–auth-cert=ACERT HTTP 认证证书(key_file,cert_file)–proxy=PROXY 使用 HTTP 代理...
Expand table ValueBehavior 0 Wait forever n>0 Wait for n secondsThe SQLCMDSERVER scripting variable reflects the current active connection.If timeout isn't specified, the value of the SQLCMDLOGINTIMEOUT variable is the default.If only user_name is specified (either as an option, or as an...
1' oorrder bbyy 4#1' uniunionon seselectlect 1,user(),database() #1' ununionion selselectect 1, group_concat(table_name),3 frfromom infoorrmation_schema.tables whwhereere table_schema='geek' #1' ununionion selselectect 1, 2,group_concat(column_name) frfromom infoorrmation_schema.co...
// compile with: user32.lib odbc32.lib #pragma once #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <windows.h> #include "sql.h" #include "sql...
// compile with: user32.lib odbc32.lib #pragma once #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <windows.h> #include "sql.h" #include "sqlext.h" #include "msodbcsql.h" // ...
PROCEDURE get_msg_flags ( session_id IN NUMBER, message_list IN MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST, message_flags OUT DBMS_SQL.NUMBER_TABLE ); PROCEDURE get_msg_flags ( session_id IN NUMBER, message_uid_list IN DBMS_SQL.NUMBER_TABLE, message_flags OUT DBMS_SQL.NUMBER_TABLE ); ...
if(ascii(substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 3,1),s,1))=可用ASCII码值,sleep(2),0) //逐一猜解数据库第4个表表名 //逐一猜解列名、数据 SQL注入的常见分类如上所述,由于本文主要针对Andr...
Creating a trigger to automate insert into another table creating a view using temporary table Creating a view with a case statement Creating an Aging report Query Creating an instance of OLE DB Provider " Microsoft.jet - OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "SNE_SNAP2014" Creating dummy headers (colu...
F12 network name headers .php?id=1’ or ‘1’=’1 .php?id=1 or 1=1 ,说明有SQL注入漏洞存在 测试漏洞是否存在 要从数据库中拉取数据的话,首先要查询语句里面用了多少列数据(用union联合查询) 1.数字注入 在浏览器地址栏输入:/backend/content_detail.php?id=1,这是一个get型接口,发送这个请求相当...