1、创建 random_range函数,用来生成一个随机范围数 bill=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION random_range(int4, int4) bill-# RETURNS int4 bill-# LANGUAGE SQL bill-# AS bill-# $$ bill$# SELECT ($1 + FLOOR(($2 - $1 + 1) * random() ))::int4; bill$# $$ bill-# ; CREATE FUNCTION 1...
find_in_set 函式 first 函式 first_value 函式 flatten 函式 float 函式 floor 函式 forall 函式 format_number 函式 format_string 函式 from_avro 函式 from_csv 函式 from_json 函式 from_unixtime 函式 from_utc_timestamp 函式 from_xml 函式 get 函式 getbit 函式 get_json_object 函式 ...
uniform(expr1, expr2 [,seed]) Returns a random value with independent and identically distributed values within the specified range of numbers. width_bucket(expr, minExpr, maxExpr, numBuckets) Returns the bucket number for a value in an equi-width histogram. ‘zeroifnull(expr)’ Ret...
> age INT, > balance DOUBLE, > userName STRING > ) WITH ( > 'connector' = 'datagen', > 'rows-per-second'='100', > 'fields.userId.kind'='sequence', > 'fields.userId.start'='1', > 'fields.userId.end'='1000', > > 'fields.balance.kind'='random', > 'fields.balance...
SELECT RAND() AS RandomNumber The Rand function can also be supplied with an integer value (i.e. smallint, tinyint or int) to use as a random seed: SELECT RAND(@MyInteger) AS RandomNumber Creating Random Numbers in a Certain Numerical Range ...
In the example, we select the range of numbers between 1 to 10. The decimal value will be round to one decimal place. How to generate a random number between 1 and 10 In the example, we are going to generate a random number between 1 and 10 in SQL Server. It should be noted ...
import random def desensitization_location(location): length = random.randint(2, len(location)) str_desensitization = '' for i in range(0, length): str_desensitization = str_desensitization + '*' temp_str = location[0:length - 1] new_location = location.replace(temp_str, str_desensitizatio...
Introduced in SQL Server 2014 (12.x), the buffer pool extension provides the seamless integration of a nonvolatile random access memory (that is, solid-state drive) extension to the Database Engine buffer pool to significantly improve I/O throughput. The buffer pool extension isn't available ...
models import db,Dog,Cat,FDog from random import randrange from sqlalchemy import text d3 = Blueprint("demo3", __name__, url_prefix="/add") ... # 外键使用插入外键数据 @d3.route('/add_fdog/') def add_fdog(): fdog = FDog() # 插入数据根据外键字段中的值排序的规则为倒序 f...
_ARCHIVE } [ ON PARTITIONS ( { partition_number_expression | <range> } [ ,... n ] ) ] | XML_COMPRESSION = { ON | OFF } [ ON PARTITIONS ( { <partition_number_expression> | <range> } [ ,... n ] ) ] } <range> ::= <partition_number_expression> TO <partition_number_...