type="CharTerm" TERMINATOR="\r\n" MAX_LENGTH="30" COLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"/> </RECORD> <ROW> <COLUMN SOURCE="1" NAME="PersonID" xsi:type="SQLSMALLINT"/> <COLUMN SOURCE="2" NAME="FirstName" xsi:type="SQLVARYCHAR"/> <COLUMN SOURCE="3" NAME="LastName" xsi:...
Need help here. In mysql level, im looking for a way to get the last executed SQL query/statement and record the executed query into a log file. I was able to get the last executed query by using "SHOW PROFILES". SET @@profiling = 1; ...
The modifications persist even in the event of a system failure. SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later enable delayed durable transactions. Delayed durable transactions commit before the transaction log record is persisted to disk. For more information on delayed transactio...
After INSERT Trigger question - how to use value from last added record Age Bucket in sql Age calculation in report builder query Aggregated CASE expressions versus the PIVOT operator… Is one better than the other? Aging Report SQL Query Alias all columns in a given table Alias column with ...
( database_id, total_log_size_in_bytes, used_log_space_in_bytes, used_log_space_in_percent, log_space_in_bytes_since_last_backup ) select database_id, total_log_size_in_bytes, used_log_space_in_bytes, used_log_space_in_percent, log_space_in_bytes...
由SQL 查询程序获得的结果被存放在一个结果集中。大多数数据库软件系统都允许使用编程函数在结果集中进行导航,比如:Move-To-First-Record、Get-Record-Content、Move-To-Next-Record 等等。 2.SELECT DISTINCT 语句 在表中,可能会包含重复值。关键词 DISTINCT 用于返回唯一不同的值。
= SQL_SUCCESS) \ { \ HandleDiagnosticRecord (h, ht, rc); \ } \if(rc == SQL_ERROR) \ { \ fwprintf(stderr,L"Error in "L#xL"\n"); \ goto Exit; \ } \ }/***//* Structure to store information about *//* a column. /***/typedefstructSTR_BINDING{SQLSMALLINT cDisplay...
CREATE PROCEDURE HumanResources.uspGetEmployees @LastName nvarchar(50), @FirstName nvarchar(50) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT FirstName, LastName, Department FROM HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory WHERE FirstName = @FirstName AND LastName = @LastName ...
a backup image that was created after the last time stamp in the missing log file must be restored to the disaster recovery site before any subsequent API calls can complete successfully. If the API is being used for any other purpose, terminate the connection being used by the API and deac...
where tablespace_name='TBL_SPACE'group by tablespace_name)total where free.tablespace_name=total.tablespace_name order by used_pct desc; 2.查看临时表空间数据文件位置,大小,及是否自动扩展。 代码语言:javascript 复制 select tablespace_name,file_name,bytes/1024/1024mb,autoextensible ...