SET @RetValue= @DatetimeString +@randomString--返回 RETURN @RetValue END 二、调用 1 2 --生成主键ID selectdbo.ufn_GenerateUniqueID(22, floor(rand()*1e8))
一、创建自定义函数 ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_GenerateUniqueID] ( @LengthNoint=22, @RandomNumint=0) RETURNS varchar(30) WITH EXEC AS CALLER AS BEGIN--返回值 DECLARE @RetValue VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @DatetimeString VARCHAR(14) DECLARE @randomString VARCHAR(50) Select @DatetimeString= CONVERT(VA...
DECLARE @Final NVARCHAR(MAX)--Final unique random number DECLARE @Upper INT; DECLARE @Lower INT This will create a random number between 1 and 9999 SET @Lower = 1 The lowest random number SET @Upper = 9999 The highest random number SELECT @Random = ROUND(((@Upper - @Lower -1) * RAN...
set@i=(SELECTCAST(RAND() * 1000000 AS INT) AS [RandomNumber]) print 'TRAN'+@i Ramesh Babu Vavilla MCTS,MSBI Friday, August 31, 2012 1:32 PM ✅Answered If you want a "unique id" and you want it in one shot -- that is you don't want to verify whether or not the random ...
Generate a random product number. Python Copy productNumber = randrange(1000) Tip Generating a random product number here ensures that you can run this sample multiple times. Create a SQL statement string. Python Copy SQL_STATEMENT = """ INSERT SalesLT.Product ( Name, Produc...
To generate unique values for each column, either use the NEWID or NEWSEQUENTIALID function on INSERT statements or use these functions as the default for the column. ENCRYPTED WITH Specifies encrypting columns by using the Always Encrypted feature. COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = key_name Specifies the ...
NewID() has the same advantage as seeded random: It's evaluated once per row, so "random" values can be assigned to each row in a table in a single query. However, it's evaluatedby the operating system, not T-SQL. In addition, while unique identifiers can be ordered, the comparison...
postgres=# insert into gin_mul select random()*5000, random()*6000, now()+((30000-60000*random())||' sec')::interval , md5(random()::text), round((random()*100000)::numeric,2), md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1,1000000); ...
random() For function parameters, seeDynamic Data Masking. Remarks If a column is added having auniqueidentifierdata type, it can be defined with a default that uses the NEWID() function to supply the unique identifier values in the new column for each existing row in the table. ...