./bin/sql-gateway.sh --help Usage: sql-gateway.sh [start|start-foreground|stop|stop-all] [args] commands: start - Run a SQL Gateway as a daemon start-foreground - Run a SQL Gateway as a console application stop - Stop the SQL Gateway daemon stop-all - Stop all the SQL Gateway daem...
Before you configure the connection to theSQLdatabase with theSQL Gateway Console, make sure that you already executed thesteps for establishing an SQL connection: Step 1: Set up the PC on which you intend to install theSQL Gateway. Step 2: Set up yourSQLdatabase. Step 3: Install theSQ...
$SQL_GATEWAY_CLASSPATH:$INTERNAL_HADOOP_CLASSPATHS"`" org.apache.flink.table.gateway.SqlGateway "${@:2}" exit 0 fi if [[ $STARTSTOP == "start-foreground" ]]; then exec "${FLINK_BIN_DIR}"/flink-console.sh $ENTRYPOINT "${@:2}" else "${FLINK_BIN_DIR}"/flink-daemon.sh $...
$ ./bin/sql-gateway.sh --help Usage: sql-gateway.sh [start|start-foreground|stop|stop-all] [args] commands: start - Run a SQL Gateway as a daemon start-foreground - Run a SQL Gateway as a console application stop - Stop the SQL Gateway daemon stop-all - Stop all the SQL Gateway ...
INFINI Labs 产品又更新啦~,本次更新概要如下:发布 Easysearch-client Java 客户端,开发者通过 client 与 Easysearch 集群的交互变得更加简洁和直观;Console 开发工具新增 SQL 特性,支持 SELECT 查询等语法高亮和自动提示等;Gateway 的系统 API 添加了基于基本身份验证的安全功能。
在Report 方面,Kyuubi 提供最流行的 Prometheus Reporter 和 JMX Reporter,如果需要基于日志的 Metric 也可选择 SLF4J Reporter、JSON Reporter 或 Console Reporter。 未来展望 从Spark 专用到多引擎支持,Kyuubi 正一步步地往 “SQL Gateway 的标准解决方案” 的目标迈进。而在 Flink Engine 支持上,未来 Kyuubi 将进...
Flink1.16 SQL Gateway 迁移Hive SQL任务实战 使用Flink的SQL Gateway迁移HiveSQL任务 前言 我们有数万个离线任务,主要还是默认的DataPhin调度CDP集群的Hive On Tez这种低成本任务,当然也有PySpark、打Jar包的Spark和打Jar包的Flink任务这种高成本的任务【Java和Scala都有】。毕竟SQL上手门槛极低,是个人都能写几下并且...
Flink-SQL-Gateway 首先是调研了一下市面上比较有代表的第三方对于这块的实现,最先找到的就是比较有名的阿里出品的Flink-SQL-Gateway,它提供了Rest接口,只需要通过HTTP请求,将SQL提交给它,就会将SQL进行解析成Job,然后提交到集群去执行。 **问题:**开发社区极其不活跃,甚至已经到了很长时间没有更新的状态,因为fl...
SET WV_GATEWAY_CFG=D:\orant\listener\cfg\wdbsvr.appstart wdblsnr -console www.oracle.com 80 startSET WV_GATEWAY_CFG=D:\orant\listener\cfg\wdbsvr2.appstart wdblsnr -console web.oracle.com 80 start You can have this batch file run at startup on Windows NT by editing the Windows NT re...
2. Create a Gateway Cluster from the CSG console. Select the region closest to your database for lower latency. 3. Create a Gateway within the cluster. Select a preferred edition based on your requirement. 4. Specify the OSS bucket, protocol, and share name. The mount path will be formed...