这些函数大部分返回VARCHAR2类型的数值.字符函数的返回类型所受的限制和基本数据库类型所受的限制是相同的,比如: VARCHAR2数值被限制为2000字符(ORACLE 8中为4000字符),而CHAR数值被限制为255字符(在ORACLE8中是2000).当在过程性语句中使用时,它们可以被赋值给VARCHAR2或者CHAR类型的PL/SQL变量....
When you create a procedure or function, you may define parameters. There are three types of parameters that can be declared: IN - The parameter can be referenced by the procedure or function. The value of the parameter can not be overwritten by the procedure or function. OUT - The paramet...
传参时使用 DEFAULT 选项 CREATEORREPLACEPROCEDUREadd_dept(nameINdepartments.department_name%TYPE:='Unknown',locINdepartments.location_id%TYPEDEFAULT1700)ISBEGININSERTINTOdepartments(department_id,departmemt_name,location_id)VALUES(departments_seq.NEXTVAL,name,loc);ENDadd_dept;/ 有了default,传参方式更加...
Home page for Oracle's Analytical SQL capabilities accessible in SQL. Oracle continues to expand its set of statistical functions available in Oracle 12c Database for use far beyond basic querying, supporting a wide range of features and functions: rank
The Dynamic RDBMS stage uses TO_DATE and TO_CHAR Oracle SQL functions to fetch data and write data for InfoSphere DataStage Date, Time and Timestamp data types.
Oracle/PLSQL Built-In Functions ,Oracle/PLSQLBuilt-InFunctions今天发现的一个很不错的网站,对常见函数有个很好的讲解,本来还想自己整理一下,学了这么长时间都没有系统的整理过,看了这个确实不错,值得一看。有不少例子,虽然有些确实很简单,没有必要举例,但是也
Oracle 11g PL/SQL Function Result Cache(原创) The PL/SQL Function Result Cache The PL/SQL function result cache uses the same infrastructure as the SQL query result cache, and caches the results of the PL/SQL functions in the result cache component of the SGA. Ideal candidates for caching ...
SUBSTR(): Oracle PL/SQL SUBSTR Function Examples PL/SQL String Functions: SUBSTR() Exercise 1: Write a PL/SQL block to retrieve the first 3 characters of each employee's last name in the employees table. Sample Solution: Table: employees...
Table 2-17 Character Functions in Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL ServerOracleDescription ascii(char) ascii(char) Returns the ASCII equivalent of the character. char(integer_expression) chr(integer_expression) Converts the decimal code for an ASCII character to the corresponding character...
of writing a SQL query and thought, “if only I could write a quick PL/SQL function for this, it would make this quick and easy?” But, unfortunately, you don’t have any privileges to create any functions in the schema. Luckily, since Oracle Database 12c, there is an answer for ...