This example shows a simple use of the MIN function on a number field. We’ve used an alias here on the column to make it easier to read and work with SELECTMIN(fees_paid)ASMIN_TESTFROMstudent; Result: MIN_TEST 0 It shows the value of 0 as that is the lowest value in the fees_...
analytic_clause(optional): This is used when you want to use AVG as an analytic function. It works similar to grouping data with the AVG function, but it’s a bit different. Refer to the examples below for more information. Examples of the AVG Function Here are some examples of the AVG...
The following is an example of a Db2® CLP script that contains SQL statements that create a table, a row data type, and a function that includes the declaration of a row variable, a row reference and an invocation of the UDF: CREATE TABLE t1 (deptNo VARCHAR(3), reportNo VARCHAR(3)...
SQL AS With Expression We can combine data from multiple columns and represent it in a single column using theCONCAT()function. For example, SELECTCONCAT(first_name,' ', last_name)ASfull_nameFROMCustomers; Here, the SQL command selectsfirst_nameandlast_name. And, the name of the column w...
Example: SQL LEFT Join -- left join the Customers and Orders tablesSELECTCustomers.customer_id, Customers.first_name, Orders.amountFROMCustomersLEFTJOINOrdersONCustomers.customer_id = Orders.customer; Run Code Here's how this code works:
colocate_with:(可选)当分布式函数向分布式表(或更普遍的情况下为并置表)读取或写入数据时,请确保使用colocate_with参数命名该表。 然后,该函数的每个调用都将在包含相关分片的工作器节点上运行。 返回值 不适用 示例 postgresql -- an example function which updates a hypothetical-- event_responses table which...
CREATE [ OR ALTER ] FUNCTION [ schema_name. ] function_name ( [ { @parameter_name [ AS ] [ type_schema_name. ] parameter_data_type [ NULL ] [ = default ] [ READONLY ] } [ , ...n ] ] ) RETURNS return_data_type [ WITH <function_option> [ , ...n ] ] [ AS ] BEGIN...
('', 'py', file_obj=myfunc) o.create_function('test_alias_func', class_type='test_alias.Example', resources=['', 'test_alias_res1']) table = o.create_table( 'test_table', schema=Schema.from_lists(['size'], ['bigint']), if_not_exists=True ) ...
FUNCTION [ schema_name. ] function_name ( [ { @parameter_name [ AS ] [ type_schema_name. ] parameter_data_type [ =default ] [READONLY] } [ ,...n ] ] ) RETURNS @return_variable TABLE [ WITH <function_option> [ ,...n ] ] [ AS ] BEGIN function_body RETURN END [ ; ...
The following example creates aSqlConnection, aSqlCommand, and aSqlDataReader. The example reads through the data, writing it to the console. Finally, the example closes theSqlDataReaderand then theSqlConnectionas it exits theUsingcode blocks. ...