REMOVE FILE logical_file_name 从 SQL Server 的实例中删除逻辑文件说明并删除物理文件。 除非文件为空,否则无法删除文件。 logical_file_name 在 SQL Server 中引用文件时所用的逻辑名称。 警告 删除具有与其关联的FILE_SNAPSHOT备份的数据库文件将会成功,但不会删除任何关联的快照,以免使引用该数据库文件的备份失...
String-to-decimal data type conversions The string-to-decimal data type conversions used in BULK INSERT follow the same rules as the Transact-SQLCONVERTfunction, which rejects strings representing numeric values that use scientific notation. Therefore, BULK INSERT treats such strings as invalid values...
This where condition eliminated the spaces from the string sql variable @str which is converted into XML data type in variable @xml and then converted into rows using theFROM @xml.nodes()method. The second task to remove extra spaces from character variable is concatenating the parsed words wit...
The alias specified in the UPDATE clause representing the table or view from which the rows are to be updated.server_name Is the name of the server (using a linked server name or the OPENDATASOURCE function as the server name) on which the table or view is located. If server_name is sp...
Argument data type text is invalid for argument 29 of checksum function Argument data type varchar is invalid for argument 1 of formatmessage function ARITHABORT in the connection string Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime. Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to...
By default, the TRIM function removes the space character from both the start and the end of the string. This behavior is equivalent to LTRIM(RTRIM(@string)).To enable the optional LEADING, TRAILING, or BOTH positional arguments in SQL Server 2022 (16.x), you must enable database ...
String and binary functionsExpand table FunctionDescription expr1 || expr2 Returns the concatenation of expr1 and expr2. aes_decrypt(expr, key[, mode[, padding[, aad]]]) Decrypts a binary expr using AES encryption. aes_encrypt(expr, key[, mode[, padding[, iv[, aad]]]) Enc...
Use the MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function to determine if the table spaces received I/O errors. If the table spaces received I/O errors, repair them. If the transaction table became full, increase the MAXAPPLS database configuration parameter or try running table space level roll-forward recover... - converts a given ISO file to a USB bootable image and burns it onto a given or detected inserted USB drive - copies stdin or string arg to system clipboard on Linux or Mac - pastes from system clipboard to stdout on ...
You can also use this command for non-csv files, e.g. to highlight function arguments in source code in different colors. To return back to original syntax highlighting run:NoRainbowDelim :RainbowMultiDelim Same as:RainbowDelim, but works with multicharacter separators. ...