在MySQL中将数字格式化为印度货币格式,可以使用MySQL内置的FORMAT函数。该函数用于将数字按指定格式进行格式化。 具体语法如下: FORMAT(number, decimal_places, locale) number:要格式化的数字。 decimal_places:小数位数。 locale:指定使用的区域设置。 对于印度货币格式化,可以使用"en_IN"作为区域设置。 下面是示例...
示例:格式化日期 我们可以使用FORMAT函数来将当前日期格式化为 “YYYY-MM-DD”: SELECTFORMAT(GETDATE(),'yyyy-MM-dd')ASFormattedDate 1. 示例:格式化货币 同样,FORMAT函数也可以用于格式化数字为货币形式: DECLARE@AmountDECIMAL(10,2)=12345.6789SELECTFORMAT(@Amount,'C','en-US')ASFormattedCurrency 1. 2. ...
DecimalSELECT FORMAT(5634, 'D', 'en-us') AS 'Number'5634 Decimal-6 digitsSELECT FORMAT(5634, 'D6', 'en-us') AS 'Currency Format'005634 General FormatSELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'G', 'en-us') AS 'Number'5634.6334 General format, 6 digitsSELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'G6', 'en-us') AS ...
But this does not format it as currency. Any input would be helpful. All replies (6) Wednesday, January 24, 2007 5:19 PM ✅Answered This is best done at the presentation layer. SQL is best at retrieving data. Ideally, any further cosmetics should be done at the application layer. ...
In this article we look at different ways to format currency output in SQL Server and most notably the different options the FORMAT function provides.
其语法如下: ```sqlFORMAT(number, 千分位 MySQL 数据 原创 mob64ca12e10b51 4月前 204阅读 MYSQL处理千分号sql千分位显示 今天看到别人用 DBGrid 做的显示数据时数据的格式为 11,097.44 ,而一般的是 11097.44 ,这个 ","是怎么加上去的呢?我首先想到的是用 OnGetText 这个事件,于是就去查看这个程序的源码,...
Input is accepted in a variety of formats, including integer and floating-point literals, as well as typical currency formatting, such as $1,000.00. Output is generally in the latter form but depends on the locale. Table 4-5 Monetary types Name Storage Size Descriptio Range n money 8 bytes...
2. Using Percentage format in the Currency Declaration. Code: SELECTFORMAT(2,'P','en-US')AS[PERCENTAGEINUS FORMAT],FORMAT(2,'P','en-IN')AS[PERCENTAGEININDIA FORMAT]; Output: 1. String Types The first Query here Shows How the String is formatted using numbers. ...
SELECTTOP (5) CurrencyRateID, EndOfDayRate,FORMAT(EndOfDayRate,'N','en-us')AS'Numeric Format',FORMAT(EndOfDayRate,'G','en-us')AS'General Format',FORMAT(EndOfDayRate,'C','en-us')AS'Currency Format'FROMSales.CurrencyRateORDERBYCurrencyRateID; ...
SELECTTOP (5) CurrencyRateID, EndOfDayRate,FORMAT(EndOfDayRate,'N','en-us')AS'Numeric Format',FORMAT(EndOfDayRate,'G','en-us')AS'General Format',FORMAT(EndOfDayRate,'C','en-us')AS'Currency Format'FROMSales.CurrencyRateORDERBYCurrencyRateID; ...