Data Sources Portal Project Teaching Database: Specifically, portal_mammals.sqlite: About Databases and SQL for Data Scientists Topics...
--【STEP3】先列转行(字段拆成值) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_score_table_transpose_test_column_to_row ; CREATE TABLE tmp_score_table_transpose_test_column_to_row LIFECYCLE 7 AS SELECT name ,subject ,score FROM tmp_score_table_transpose_test UNPIVOT (score FOR subject IN (math_score AS 'math...
sqlmath - sqlite for data-science Status Branchmaster(v2022.6.30)beta(Web Demo)alpha(Development) CI Coverage Demo Artifacts Table of Contents Web Demo Package Listing Changelog License Web Demo Package Listing Changelog Full
Discover 10 free ways to start learning SQL, the standard programming language used to design, create and manage realtional databases for decades.
9. Github: Beyond LeetCode SQL. 这个里面特别适合面试前留守,因为全是tech面试真题非常真实。 10.sql online IDE: SQL Online IDE - for Data Science 自己建表自己联系 SQL初中高级的简单区别 SQL 基础语句: 1. SELECT and WHERE for filtering and selection 2. COUNT, SUM, MAX, GROUP BY, HAVING for...
azureml applies to operationalization tasks associated with a standalone server context and might be of limited use for in-database analytics. Download an installation script. On the appropriate following GitHub page, select Download raw file. installs version 9.2.1 of the...
MyScale Vector Database Benchmark 项目地址: 展望:AI 数据库支撑的大模型 + 大数据 Agent 平台 机器学习 + 大数据驱动了互联网和上一代信息系统的成功,而在大模型的时代背景下,MyScale 团队也致力于提出新一代的大模型 + 大数据方案。以高性能的 SQL + ...
With SageMaker Studio JupyterLab notebook’s SQL integration, you can now connect to popular data sources like Snowflake, Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon DataZone. This new feature enables you to perform various functions. For example, you can vi...
GitHub Archive “GitHub Archive 是一个用于记录事件公共 GitHub 时间轴,将其存档,并使其易于进行进一步分析的项目。” 从Web 客户端下载 .gz (Gzip) 格式的以 JSON 编码的事件存档。 Stack Overflow 数据转储 “这是指将用户贡献的所有内容匿名转储在 Stack Exchange 网络(包括 Stack Overflow)上。” “每个站点...
Where i is used for a case-insensitive fetch data. Another way by which we can also get the result: db.collection.find({"name":/aus/}) The above will provide the result which has the aus in the name containing aus. Share Improve this answer Follow edited May 11, 2021 at 16:14...