要决定把这些账户指派给谁, 还需要考虑其他销售代表手头正在处理得账户, 也就是说你要查看所有, 现在这个查询里没有列出得账户, NOT运算符可以实现上述过程.NOT 运算符是一个非常有用的运算符,用于与之前介绍的两个运算符 IN 和 LIKE 一起运算。通过指定 NOT LIKE 或 NOT IN,我们可以查找到所有不符合特定条件...
由Tomi Mester 写于2017年5月9日 本文转载自SQL for Data Analysis - Tutorial for Beginners - ep1 如果你想成数据分析师或是数据科学家,那么 SQL 是必须的。在过去的几年中,我已经与许多公司有线业务合作 - 从 5 人创业公司到 5000 多名员工跨国公司,并没有看到一家不会以某种方式使用SQL进行数据分析(以...
与COUNT不同, SUM只用于包含值(numerical)的列, 并且你不需要考虑空值的问题. 因为SUM函数将空值当作0来处理 注意事项:聚合函数只能垂直聚合,即聚合列的值。 练习 1.算出 orders 表格中的 poster_qty 纸张总订单量。 SELECTSUM(poster_qty)ASposterFROMorders; 2.算出 orders 表格中 standard_qty 纸张的总订单...
✨️Transform Data: Perform data transformations, such as aggregations and filtering, to prepare data for analysis. ✨️Analyze Data: Utilize SQL to calculate metrics, create summaries, and identify patterns within the data. ✨️Visualize Data: Combine SQL with data visualization tools to ...
8)SQL for Data Analysis – Advanced stuff In this episode, I listed three of the bit more advanced SQL methods. These are: sub-queries, SQL CASE (basically the if statement of SQL) and SQL HAVING (an advanced version of WHERE). While these are “advanced” (okay, maybe intermediate lev...
With the explosion of data, computing power, and cloud data warehouses, SQL has become an even more indispensable tool for the savvy analyst or data scientist. This practical book reveals … - Selection from SQL for Data Analysis [Book]
SQL for Data AnalysisAdvanced Techniques for Transforming Data into InsightsCathy Tanimura
The SQL Tutorial for Data Analysis is designed for people who want to answer questions with data. Learning SQL is easy but can be used to solve challenging problems.
Data Extraction: SQL will easily enable analysts toextract datafrom huge datasets by using a SELECT statement to extract relevant data for analysis. Data Cleanliness:WHERE clauses help clean up the data by filtering unwanted data based on specific criteria, thus focusing on pertinent information. ...
The last SQL guide for data analysis you'll need! OK, maybe it’s actually the first, but it’ll give you a solid head start.