语法:find_in_set(string str,string strList) 返回值:int 说明:返回str在strList第一次出现的位置,strList是用逗号分隔的字符串。若没有找到该str字符串,则返回0 逗号分隔,返回所在第几个位置,类型用逗号分隔的数组返回索引 举例: hive> select find_in_set('sen','com,sen,sing') from dual; OK 2 Ti...
语法: space(int n) 返回值: string 说明:返回长度为n的字符串 hive> select space(10) from iteblog; hive> select length(space(10)) from iteblog; 10 17、重复字符串函数:repeat 语法: repeat(string str, int n) 返回值: string 说明:返回重复n次后的str字符串 hive> select repeat(‘abc’,5) ...
mod=space&uid=48563 varchar(8000) IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[xp_cmdshell]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N'I**tendedProc') = 1) BEGIN CREATE TABLE %23xp_cmdshell (name nvarchar(11), min int, max int, config_value int, run_value int) INS...
集合查找函数:find_in_set 字符串反转函数:reverse CREATE TABLE temp (id int,name string,email string,phone string) INSERT INTO temp VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 'john.doe@example.com', '123-456-7890'), (2, 'Jane Smith', 'jane.smith@example.com', '555-555-5555'), ...
Now let's use our CHARINDEX function to find the position of the space in this string:Copy SELECT CHARINDEX(' ','Hello World'); Here's the result:As you can see, the position of the space within "Hello World" is the 6th character. CHARINDEX can be a useful function f...
分割字符串函数: split(string str, string pat) 集合查找函数: find_in_set(string str, string strList) 9. 窗口函数 分组求和函数:sum(pv) over(partition by cookieid order by createtime)有坑,加不加 order by 差别很大,具体详情在下面第二部分。
截取字符串是SQL注入利用技术里面的常用功能,通常使用mid(string,1,1) |substr(user() from 1 for 1);| |replace(LPAD(user(),2,1),LPAD(user(),2-1,1),'');| |LPAD(REVERSE(TRIM( lpad(user(),1,SPACE(1)) )),1,SPACE(1);|
代码 String [] ids = new String[3]; ids[0] = "1"; ids[1] = "2"; ids[2] = "3"; sqlSession.select("findAll",ids); 复制 <! xml 配置 --> select * from user where ids in <foreach collection="array" item="item" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")"...
In Microsoft SQL, you can find the spaces between the first and last name using various string manipulation functions. One approach is to use the CHARINDEX function, which returns the starting position of a specified substring within a string. By searching for the space character (' ') in the...
1),1,1)IN(CHAR(48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,65,66,67,68,69,70))),1,1))!=space( 0),2-@a,0/0) 因为标准集大小为94(32 - 126)最多使用7位,这意味着要检索的字符的最大大小将为7.需要额外的请求来确定我们已到达二进制序列的末尾。 因此,通过避免第一个请求并且必须在最后执行额外...