1 下载方式,关于版本,自己选择,如果自己不知道推荐express_with_advanced_services,注意和自己的操作系统位数匹配(64位对应x64,32位对应x86)2 安装,打开下载的安装文件,开始会提示解压,解压到默认目录就行,然后就弹出如下窗口 3 点击全新安装,然后勾上‘我接受许可’,点击下一步 4 警告不用管,一直下一步...
17) 点击“关闭” 18) 重启系统,再安装勤哲Excel服务器软件。
Express 32BIT WoW64\SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.exe Express 32BIT\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe Express 64BIT\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe ExpressAdv 32BIT\SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe ExpressAdv 64BIT\SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe ExpressAndTools 32BIT\SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe ExpressAndTools 64BIT\SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe Local...
\ProgramData\Package Cache\9B9F0054139E678C8BB13A9BFF0FCD513015712C\Deploy\BootSetupPrerequisites\SqlExpress2014\SQLEXPR2014_x86_ENU.exe" /ACTION="Install" /Q /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /ROLE="AllFeatures_WithDefaults" /INSTANCEID="KBMSS14" /X86="...
SQLEXPR32_x86 是較小的套件,只能用於將 SQL Server 2014 Express 安裝在 32 位元的作業系統上。SQLEXPR_x86 是相同的產品,但支援安裝在 32 位元和 64 位元 (WoW) 作業系統上。SQLEXPR_x64 是原生 64 位元 SQL Server 2014 Express,只支援安裝在 64 位元作業系統上。這些套件之間並無其他差別。
Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express includes both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. SQLEXPR32_x86 is a smaller package that can be used to install SQL Server 2014 Express onto only 32-bit operating systems. SQLEXPR_x86 is the same product but supports installation onto both 32-bit and 64-...
Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express includes both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. SQLEXPR32_x86 is a smaller package that can be used to install SQL Server 2014 Express onto only 32-bit operating systems. SQLEXPR_x86 is the same product but supports installation onto both 32-bit and 64-...
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express 是功能丰富的免费 SQL Server 版本,适合于学习、开发和增强桌面、Web 以及小规模服务器应用程序,也适合于通过 ISV 进行重新分发。SQL Server 2014 Express 版本包括完整的 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio 版本,而不是 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio Express。您...
25/06/2014 File Name: Express 32BIT WoW64\SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.exe Express 32BIT\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe Express 64BIT\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe ExpressAdv 32BIT\SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe ExpressAdv 64BIT\SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe ExpressAndTools 32BIT\SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe ...
Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express includes both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. SQLEXPR32_x86 is a smaller package that can be used to install SQL Server 2014 Express onto only 32-bit operating systems. SQLEXPR_x86 is the same product but supports installation onto both 32-bit and 64-...