我们可以使用Apache POI库来生成Excel文件。以下是一个简单的例子: importorg.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;importjava.io.FileOutputStream;importjava.io.IOException;importjava.sql.Connection;importjava.sql.ResultSet;importjava.sql.SQLException;importjava.sql.Statement;publicclassExportToExcel{publicstaticvoidmain(...
/*** SQL Export to xls ***//*Example*//*CPP_Export_To_Excel_With_Header 'Testdb2','Demo_A','C:\TestExxelWithHeader.xls'*//*2012.5.4 BY tony,邀月, 3w@live.cn*/--- CPP_Export_To_Excel_With_Header 'Testdb2','Demo_A','C:\TestExcelWithHeader.xls'CreateProcedureCPP_Export_To...
'real','money','smallmoney')THEN',2'WHENdata_typeIN('datetime','smalldatetime')THEN',120'ELSE''END+') as'+column_nameFROMtempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ColumnsWHEREtable_name='##TempExportData'--execute select query to insert data and column names into new temp tableSELECT@SQL='select'+@colum...
sheet1$ 为Excel文件的工作表名,一般要加上$才能正常使用. --*/ /*--数据导出EXCEL 导出表中的数据到Excel,如果文件不存在,将自动创建文件,如果表不存在,将自动创建表 调用示例 ExportToExcel @tbname='test',@path='c:\',@fname='test.xls' --*/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where i...
Importing Excel file into SQL Server Show 2 more Introduction In this post, let us see a new approach to import excel into SQL Server and export SQL server data to excel. There are some existing methods to do this using BCP, Bulk Insert, Import & Export wizard from SSMS, SSIS, ...
1,123.4567,2011-06-17 01:00:00.000,Hello, SQL Server! 2,,,Hello, Excel! There is no simple way to get column headers in a result file with bcp.So, just use the sqlcmd utility instead of bcp.SQL Server Data Export to CSV using SQLCMDsqlcmd is an SQL Server command line utility....
Sub ExportDataToExcel() Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim sqlQuery As String Dim serverName As String Dim databaseName As String Dim userName As String Dim password As String Dim connectionString As String Dim ws As Worksheet ...
今天在项目中遇到一个问题,需要从SQL Server导出表到Excel,但需要带列名。尝试了几种方法,并小结如下: 假定表如下: USE testDb2 GO IF NOT OBJECT_ID('Demo_A') IS NULL DROP TABLE [Demo_A] /*** Object: Table [dbo].[Demo_A] downmoon:3w@live.cn ***/ CREATE TABLE...
步骤4:使用OPENROWSET函数将数据从临时表导出到Excel 现在,我们将使用OPENROWSET函数将数据从临时表导出到Excel。以下是导出数据的代码: DECLARE@SQLNVARCHAR(MAX)SET@SQL=N' SELECT * FROM #TempDataToExport 'EXEC(' INSERT INTO OPENROWSET( ''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'', ...
How to export SQL data to Excel SpreadSheet using SQL Query? How to export the data to a file (csv) without using xp_cmdshell How to extract a very very long text string from a varchar(max) feild How to Extract House Number from Address line in SQL? how to extract month and year fr...