SQL compilation error: ambiguous column name yoon on 12-04-2019 02:39 PM Power BI services, connected to Snowflake, generates SQL that triggers an error: " Unable to connect to the data source ODBC: ERROR [42601] SQL compilation error: ambiguous column name 'name'." The tables an...
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, create_engine url = "mssql+pymssql://username:password@address:port/db" engine = create_engine(url) meta_data = MetaData() tablename = "user" table = Table(tablename, meta_data, autoload_with=engine) Error MSSQLDatabaseException Traceback (most rece...
I am able to connect to object of AF database,but when I try to access the scpecific element I face the error "Unexpected Server Error: 'SQL Error (209) Ambiguous column name 'fksecurityid'.'". The following is the code whcih i have used to access the el...
sqlite> CREATE TABLE a(id integer); sqlite> CREATE TABLE b(id integer); sqlite> SELECT * FROM a JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) ON a.id=id; Error: ambiguous column name: id sqlite> SELECT * FROM a JOIN (SELECT * FROM b) ON a.id=b.id; Error: no such column: b.id # use a name...
Am getting an error when i run this code Ambiguous Column Name An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement... An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Error creating window handle. SQL SERVER 2008 An error occurred while executing batch. Error me...
I'll look into this tomorrow but since the update to 2.2.0 I've noticed this issue on sentry; ProgrammingError at /app/model/1/ column reference "id" is ambiguous LINE 1: SELECT (CASE WHEN id='1' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "... It compla...
Ambiguous column name: '[%s.[%s.]]%s' 2094 No such function: '%s' 2095 Wrong number of arguments to function '%s' 2096 Subqueries prohibited in CHECK constraints. 2097 Parameters prohibited in CHECK constraints. 2098 Expression tree is too large (maximum depth %d) 2099 ...
error Getting this message service-specific error code 1814 Help in SQL Server - Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Ambiguous column name 'VendorId'. HELP!! Problem in database backup and restore! How can compare only date part of datetime field? How can I change language from US...
报错:ERROR: Query:[xxx] Get result failed: canceling statement due to user request 问题原因:查询被取消,通常是因为表被执行了DROP或TRUNCATE操作。 解决方法:可以通过HoloWeb Query洞察排查是否有冲突的DDL,详情请参见Query洞察。后期尽量避免Query执行过程中有DDL冲突任务。