If you are using SQL Server 2005 or above use this:
If you are using SQL Server 2005 or above use this:
SQL的SELECT DISTINCT语句用于选择表中的不同(唯一)值。这在某些情况下非常有用,因为数据库表中的某些列可能包含大量重复值,而您只关心获取这些值的不同实例。 SELECT DISTINCT的基本语法如下: 代码语言:sql 复制 SELECTDISTINCTcolumn1,column2,...FROMtable_name; 其中,column1,column2,等是您要选择不同值的列...
Distinct 是一个逻辑运算符。 无 Distinct Sort Distinct Sort 逻辑运算符将对输入进行扫描,删除重复项并按“Prope属性”窗格中的 distinct order by 谓词中指定的列进行排序。Distinct Sort 是一个逻辑运算符。 Distribute Streams Distribute Streams 运算符仅用于并行查询计划。 Distribute Streams...
7) Use GROUP BY on one column only. """ 后面的C3和SQL-PALM都是用DIN-SQL作为基准进行评估,所以DIN的效果指标我们直接放到后面的部分。 C3 C3: Zero-shot Text-to-SQL with ChatGPThttps://github.com/bigbigwatermalon/C3SQL通过优化schema description+多路投票的解码方案,用zero-shot prompt基本追平DIN...
Example 1: Use DISTINCT on one columnTo select all distinct stores in Table Store_Information, we key in,SELECT DISTINCT Store_Name FROM Store_Information;Result: Store_Name Los Angeles San Diego BostonExample 2: Use DISTINCT on multiple columns...
In this example, using the DISTINCT keyword, all customers with the same first name are treated as one. This results in only one entry for Homer (even though there are three different entries in total).FirstName Fred Homer OzzySQL Top SQL In ...
The first few rows are all unique. The DISTINCT keyword made sure that theMiddlenamecolumn is also considered. Notice the 2 names boxed in red. Considering theLastnameandFirstnameonly will make them duplicates. But addingMiddlenameto the mix changed everything. ...
SQL SELECT DISTINCT 语句 SELECT DISTINCT 语句用于返回唯一不同的值。 在表中,一个列可能会包含多个重复值,有时您也许希望仅仅列出不同(distinct)的值。 DISTINCT 关键词用于返回唯一不同的值。P1 SQL SELECT DISTINCT 语法 参数说明: column1, column2, ...:要选择的字段名称,可以为多个字段。如果不指定字段...
Find all rows where the value in one column only occurs once Find All Special Characters in a SQL Server Find and insert missing records Find cascading deletes that effect a specific table Find creator of a table - SQL Server 2005 find database and table from object id Find database of ...