-- if (object_id('tempdb..#Common_DisableTableTriggers') is not null) begin set @poIsTableTriggerEnabled = 0; return; end -- Resolve table name if given trigger procedure id instead of table name. -- Google: "How to get the table name in the trigger definition" -- set @pTableName...
In order to disable any type of SQL Server triggers we use the DISABLE TRIGGER command. DISABLE TRIGGER [Trigger_Name | ALL] ON [Object_Name | DATABASE | ALL SERVER] Additionally the next table describes each of the arguments of the DISABLE TRIGGER statement. Now let's disable some trigge...
DISABLETRIGGER{ [schema_name. ]trigger_name[ ,...n ] |ALL}ON{object_name|DATABASE|ALLSERVER} [ ; ] 参数 schema_name 触发器所属架构的名称。 不能为 DDL 或登录触发器指定 schema_name。 trigger_name 要禁用的触发器的名称。 ALL 指示禁用在 ON 子句作用域中定义的所有触发器。
a user must have CONTROL SERVER permission on the server. To disable a DDL trigger with database scope (ON DATABASE), at a minimum, a user must have ALTER ANY DATABASE DDL TRIGGER permission in the current database.
EnableDisableTriggerStatement.TriggerEnforcement Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll Package: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom v161.8901.0 Defines the new enforcement o...
EnableDisableTriggerStatement Class Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll Package: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom v161.8901.0 Defines the modifications to triggers. Triggers can be enabled ...
We have created a table with a trigger that updates a ModifiedDate field in it each time there is an UPDATE/INSERT. For a particular transaction in our app, though, we would like to temporally disable this trigger. Would it be possible to do this directly from LINQ? (Directly, not calli...
EnableDisableTriggerStatement初始化 EnableDisableTriggerStatement 類別的新執行個體。 回頁首 屬性 展開表格 回頁首 方法 回頁首 執行緒安全 這個型別的任何 Public static (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared) 成員都具備執行緒安全。並非所有的執行個體成員都是安全執行緒。
NomeDescrição EnableDisableTriggerStatement Initializes a new instance of the EnableDisableTriggerStatement class.InícioPropriedadesExpandir tabela NomeDescrição All Gets or set a value that indicates whether the modification is for all triggers. FirstTokenIndex Gets or sets the first token ind...
CreateTriggerStatement CreateTypeStatement CreateTypeTableStatement CreateTypeUddtStatement CreateTypeUdtStatement CreateUserStatement CreateViewStatement CreateWorkloadClassifierStatement CreateWorkloadGroupStatement CreateXmlIndexStatement CreateXmlSchemaCollectionStatement CreationDispositionKeyOption CredentialSta...