你是否登录到了数据库? 要连接到数据库里面才能看到,另外你登录的用户要是一个表都没建,也没有授权访问其他用户的表的话,当然也是看不到的了。
Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible, Automatic Statistics disabled for this session You can disable statistics in the preference menu, or obtain select priviliges on the Vsession,Vsession,Vsesstat and V[Math Processing Error]statname tables 这个报错信息在不同的PL/SQL Developer版本都会出现,从上面...
2.3、方法3:直接在Don't show this message again打勾(不推荐) 直接在Error对话框中将“Don't show this message again”选项选中,下次就不在提示这个错误了。但是,并没有从根本上解决这个问题。 转载于:https://blog.csdn.net/kongling16688/article/details/8432171...
I am using VM for backup of 450GB data from SQL DB and, I have used Export Data-tier Application option in the Tasks menu because In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) the backup option is not showing. The backup process going on for last 15hours Is… Azure SQL Database Azure SQL...
默认情况下,PLSQL Developer登录后,Brower里会选择All objects,如果你登录的用户是dba,要展开tables目录,正常情况都需要Wait几秒钟,而选择My Objects后响应速率则是以毫秒计算的。 Tools菜单 –> Object Brower Filters,会打开Brower Folders的定单窗口,把“My Objects”设为默认即可。 Tools菜单–> Object Brower Fol...
Improved error message wording in Pivot Tables when the data is truncated. Fixed a rendering error in Pivot Tables where colors were not showing when using BigInt data types. When downloading PNGs in new charts with numerous legend items, removed the color symbol for overflow legend entries. ...
PL/SQL Developer is a multi-threaded IDE. This means that you can continue to work as SQL queries are executing, PL/SQL programs are executing, debug sessions are running, and so on. It also means that the IDE will not “hang” if you make a programming error: you can break execution...
sp_tables_ex @table_server=Ora817Link, @table_schema='your_schema_name' 訊息6 錯誤7413:無法連線到連結的伺服器 '%ls' (OLE DB 提供者 '%ls')。 請啟用委派,或使用目前使用者的遠端 SQL Server 登入。 使用者 '' 的訊息 18456、層級 14、狀態 1、第 1 行登入失敗。
Keep in mind that the metrics exposed by the various DMVs are not stored permanently but are only held in memory. When SQL Server 2005 restarts, these metrics are lost. You could create tables regularly based on the output from the DMVs, storing the results with a timestamp. You could the...
Generate rich, ERDs showing your current Oracle Schema designs Manage performance and general Database configuration Create and edit users Load data from CSV, JSON, and AVRO to new or existing Oracle tables Get started with SQL Developer