环境:Windows11 24H2 + MSSQL 2022 Developer CMD命令执行:winver 1.点击文件 SQL2022-SSEI-Dev,即可下载SQL 2022 Developer https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads 下载之后的文件夹:Developer_ENU 2.安装 SQL2022 完成后,再下载SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio,管理工具) https:...
1.环境准备 (1).下载oracle客户端 下载以下版本均可: 此处我下载的是instantclient-basic-nt- (2).下载PL-SQL Developer 下载地址:https://www.jb51.net/softs/820654.html 2.解压配置oracle客户端 首先在磁盘上创建 D:\oracle\12.2 目录(此处我是创建在D盘,其他盘都可以),然后...
The most likely reason for this issue is that your device had SQL Server installed before and it was not completely uninstalled. Here are the suggested steps: Please follow the below steps to remove all components of previous installed SQL Server completely: Remove all SQL Server compon...
顯示其他 11 個 適用於:SQL Server - 僅限 Windows在執行 SQL Server 安裝程式之前,檢閱 規劃SQL Server 安裝。從命令提示字元中安裝新的 SQL Server 執行個體,可讓您指定要安裝的功能以及這些功能應該設定的方式。 您也可以指定與安裝程式使用者介面的無訊息、基本或完整互動。若...
plsqldeveloper 11 破解版是一款最新版本的PL/SQL Developer11的数据库开发破解版本,为朋友们提供专业的编辑、编译等开发功能,轻松注册免费使用。有需要的朋友就来IT猫扑下载吧! 官方简介 PLSQL Developer具有编辑、编译、测试、调试、优化和查询的一个第三方开放工具。它是一个集成开发环境,专门面向Oracle数据库存储程...
plsqldeveloper11汉化版是款数据库集成开发环境软件,这款软件非常的实用,大家在码代码或者是编程的时候可以使用它作为生产力,功能优秀强大,有需要的朋友可以到站内下载! plsql developer11中文版介绍 pl/sql developer是一个集成开发环境,由allround automations公司开发,专门面向oracle数据库存储的程序单元的开发。如今,...
There are two downloads available for Windows users. Windows 64-bit with JDK 11 Included This archive includes both SQL Developer and an embedded copy of the Java 11 Development Kit (JDK). Simply extract the zip to a fresh directory and run the sqldeveloper.exe in the top directory. The ...
Version - May 11, 2022 All Platforms Download Notes Installation Notes Open all Windows Installation Notes There are two downloads available for Windows users. Windows 64-bit with JDK 8 Included This archive includes both SQL Developer and an embedded copy of the Java 8 Developm...
技术细节和系统要求 支持的操作系统:Windows 11、Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows 7 RAM(内存):2 GB RAM(推荐 4 GB)可用硬盘空间:200 MB 或更多 PL/SQL Developer 15安装破解教程 1、在本站下载并解压,2、选择软件安装路径,并勾选Enter license information选项 3、运行keygen注册机,将注册机中的...
On a Windows pro, 10 or 11 (both tested), with SQL Server 2019 (developer edition) installed with its program files in the system drive, C:, but its data files in a data drive D:, both ciphered with bitlocker with automatic unlocking enabled, it seems the SQL...