2023-10-012023-11-012023-12-012024-01-012024-02-012024-03-012024-04-012024-05-012024-06-012024-07-012024-08-012024-09-012024-10-012024-11-012024-12-012025-01-012025-02-01Identify Repeated LogicCreate View/ProcedureUnit TestingCode ReviewDefine MacroTesting and ReviewMacro Definition Development ...
DEF_SQLCODE={YES | NO} NO Generate a macro to #define SQLCODE. 忽略。 DEFINE=name * none Define a name for use by the Pro*C/C++ precompiler. 兼容。 DURATION={TRANSACTION | SESSION} TRANSACTION Set pin duration for objects in the cache. 忽略。 DYNAMIC={ANSI | ORACLE} ORACLE Specifies...
#define PIPE L'|' SHORT gHeight = 80; // Users screen height int __cdecl wmain(int argc, _In_reads_(argc) WCHAR **argv) { SQLHENV hEnv = NULL; SQLHDBC hDbc = NULL; SQLHSTMT hStmt = NULL; WCHAR* pwszConnStr; WCHAR wszInput[SQL_QUERY_SIZE]; // Allocate an environment if ...
// SQLBindParameter_Function.cpp// compile with: ODBC32.lib#include<windows.h>#include<sqltypes.h>#include<sqlext.h>#defineEMPLOYEE_ID_LEN 10SQLHENV henv =NULL; SQLHDBC hdbc =NULL; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLHSTMT hstmt =NULL; SQLSMALLINT sCustID; SQLCHAR szEmployeeID[EMPLOYEE_ID_LEN]; ...
#defineROWS 20#defineSTATUS_LEN 6SQLCHAR szStatus[ROWS][STATUS_LEN], szReply[3]; SQLINTEGER cbStatus[ROWS], cbOrderID; SQLUSMALLINT rgfRowStatus[ROWS]; SQLUINTEGER sOrderID, crow = ROWS, irow; SQLHSTMT hstmtS, hstmtU; SQLSetStmtAttr(hstmtS, SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_CONCU...
C# string字符串的前面可以加 @(称作"逐字字符串")将转义字符(\)当作普通字符对待,比如: 等价于: 后台登录-实验吧 进去之后没想到就是该题目的writeup,其中的原理大致是特殊的字符串使用md5加密后会出现“or 'num' '值' ”,这样就构造出了 or +非零数字的SQL语句,通过SQL特性,该select语句直接搜索所有数据...
file (msoledbsql.h) is included #define LOCALDB_DEFINE_PROXY_FUNCTIONS #include <msoledbsql.h> ... HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Create LocalDB instance by calling the create API proxy function included by macro if (FAILED(hr = LocalDBCreateInstance( L"12.0", L"name", 0))) { ... } ...
If necessary, define the identifier in the declaration section of the module file. MOD-00004 unsupported datatype in line number of file string Cause: A host variable defined in the procedure definition of the module file has an unsupported datatype or has a scale or precision outside the ...
#define 宏函数 预处理 转载 mob64ca140234eb 2023-11-02 07:00:18 88阅读 hive宏复杂hiveadd columns 1、向Hive表中添加某个字段格式:alter table 表名 add columns (字段名 字段类型 comment '字段描述'); 例1:alter table table_name add columns (now_time string comment '当前时间'); 例2:alter...
If you have a piece of functionality that is required from both SQL and PL/SQL, you may prefer to use a regular function over a SQL macro. The SQL macro could only be used in PL/SQL as part of a query. For example you might do aSELECT macro INTO variable FROM dualto make an ass...