使用SET ^%SYS("sql","sys","day of week","USER")=1设置USER命名空间的周一为每周的第一天。 一旦在命名空间级别设置一周的第一天,通过指定^%SYS("sql","sys","day of week")=n更改系统范围的设置,对该命名空间没有影响。 为了恢复更改命名空间的默认第一天,kill ^%SYS("sql","sys","day of we...
The function syntax is as shown below: DAYOFWEEK() This function illustrated in the example below: SELECTDAY(TIMESTAMP('2012-04-01 10:07:05'))ASday_of_week; The above query should return an integer indicating the day of the week. Example output is as shown: day_of_week...
select dayofweek("2020-12-12"); 3)weekofyear(date) /** * Extracts the week number as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string. * * A week is considered to start on a Monday and week 1 is the first week with more than 3 days, * as defined by ISO 8601 * * @return An ...
5. datename 返回代表指定日期的指定日期部分的字符串 SELECT datename(weekday, '2004-10-15') --返回:星期五 6. day(), month(),year() --可以与datepart对照一下 select 当前日期=convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120) ,当前时间=convert(varchar(8),getdate(),114) 7. select datename(dw,'2004-1...
值缩写(Sql Server) Access 和 ASP 说明 Year Yy yyyy 年 1753 ~ 9999 Quarter Qq q 季 1 ~ 4 Month Mm m 月1 ~ 12 Day of year Dy y 一年的日数,一年中的第几日 1-366 Day Dd d 日,1-31 Weekday Dw w 一周的日数,一周中的第几日 1-7 Week Wk ww 周,一年中的第几周 0 ~ 51 ...
The datetime format element D returns the number of the day of the week (1-7). The day of the week that is numbered 1 is specified implicitly by the initialization parameterNLS_TERRITORY. See Also: Oracle9i Database ReferenceandOracle9i Database Globalization Support Guidefor information on Glob...
Given any day of the week, to get back to the first day, you simply have to subtract from the current day the number of days equal to the day of the week then add 1 day. For example, if today is the fifth day of the week, to get back to the first day, subtract 5 days from...
MySQL week() 函数,可以有两个参数,具体可看手册。 weekofyear() 和 week() 一样,都是计算“某天”是位于一年中的第几周。 weekofyear(@dt) 等价于 week(@dt,3)。 MySQL weekday() 函数和 dayofweek() 类似,都是返回“某天”在一周中的位置。不同点在于参考的标准, weekday:(0 = Monday, 1 = ...
Qq for Quarter of the Year Mm for Month Dy for the Day of the Year Dd for Day of the Month Wk for Week Dw for the Day of the Week Hh for Hour Mi for Minute Ss for Second -- 1 .编写函数,实现按照 ' 年月日,星期几,上午下午晚上 ' 输出时间信息(2009年3月16日星期一下午) ...