declare @i int,@a int declare @Time_qian datetime,@Time datetime set @i =0 set @a = 0 while @i < 10 begin set @a = @a+ATEDIFF(Minute, @Time_qian, @Time)set @i=@i+1 end
Datediff return an integer, not a float or numeric. To get what you want, perhaps you should do the diff in seconds and then divide: select cast(datediff(second, min(start_time), min(complete_time))/60.0 as decimal (10,10)) from TRACKED_OBJECT_HISTORY TOH1 where TOH1.op_name = '...
(decimal(5,2), req.percent_complete) AS 'percent_complete', req.estimated_completion_time AS 'est_completion_time' , req.start_time AS 'request_start_time', LEFT (req.status, 15) AS 'request_status', req.command , req.plan_handle, req.[sql_handle], req.statement_start_offset, req...
sess.logical_readsAS'session_logical_reads',CONVERT(decimal(5,2), req.percent_complete)AS'percent_complete', req.estimated_completion_timeAS'est_completion_time', req.start_timeAS'request_start_time',LEFT(req.status,15)AS'request_status', req.command ...
datediff (時間戳記) 函式 day 函式 dayofmonth 函式 dayofweek 函式 dayofyear 函式 decimal 函式 decode 函式 decode (字元集) 函式 degrees 函式 dense_rank 函式 div 運算子 dotsign 運算符 double 函式 e 函式 element_at 函式 elt 函式 encode 函式 endswith 函式 eqeqsign 運算子 eqsi...
操作符BETWEEN ... AND 会选取介于两个值之间的数据范围。这些值可以是数值、文本或者日期。 SQL BETWEEN 语法: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name (NOT) BETWEEN value1 AND value2 1. 注意:value1(包括)value2(不包括)
DATEDIFF(date1,date2)返回起始时间date1和结束时间date2之间的天数。date1和date2为日期或日期时间表达式。计算中只用到这些值的日期部分。 DATE_FORMAT(date,format)根据format指定的格式显示date值。 TIME_FORMAT(time,format)根据表达式format的要求显示时间time。表达式format指定了显示的格式。因为TIME_FORMAT(time,...
SQL Server may be doing a DATEDIFF internally for the comparison, and if the two dates are much more than 68 years apart (and the internal DATEDIFF is by seconds), DATEDIFF can error as the output of DATEDIFF is an INT. I've bumped into this before (using DATEDIFF directly) and resolve...
DATEDIFF(date1,date2) 返回起始时间date1 和 结束时间date2之间的天数 例: select name, age, (case when age > 60 then '老人' when age > 30 then '年轻人' else 'qitaren' end) '年龄' from emp order by age desc; 约束 概念:约束是作用于表中字段上的规则,用于限制存储在表中的数据。 目...
dateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeSeconds()DATEDIFF_BIG(second, '1970-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00', @dateTimeOffset)EF Core 8.0 dateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()DATEDIFF_BIG(毫秒, '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00', '1970-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00:000000+00:00', @dateTimeOffset)EF Core ...