DATEADD DATEADD (datepart, number, date ) 透過在指定 date 的指定 datepart 中新增間隔,傳回新的 datetime 值。 date 引數的資料類型 具決定性 EOMONTH EOMONTH ( start_date [ , month_to_add ] ) 以選擇性位移,傳回包含指定日期的當月最後一天。 傳回類型是 start_date 引數的類型...
SELECT dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)) 15、本月的最后一天 SELECT dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())+1, 0)) 16、本年的最后一天 SELECT dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate())+1, 0)) 17、本月的第一个星期一 select DATEADD(...
Time zone offset DATEADDdoesn't allow addition for time zone offset. Examples A. Increment datepart by an interval of 1 Each of these statements incrementsdatepartby an interval of 1: SQL DECLARE@datetime2 DATETIME2 ='2024-01-01 13:10:10.1111111';SELECT'year',DATEADD(year,1, @datetime2)UNI...
DateAdd(String, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>) 向指定的时间跨度添加间隔,以此返回新的时间跨度值。 C# [System.Data.Entity.DbFunction("SqlServer","DATEADD")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage","CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters", MessageId="datePartArg")] [System.Diag...
TIMEFROMPARTS ( hour, minute, seconds, fractions,precision ) 参数precision 是指小数秒的精度,指的是DateTime2(n)、DateTimeOffset(n),Time(n)中的n值,表示以多少位小数表示1s。 三,日期操做 日期函数:EOMonth、Format、DateAdd、DateDiff、SwitchOffset ...
The Transact-SQL date and time functions are listed in the following tables. For more information about determinism, seeDeterministic and Nondeterministic Functions. Functions That Get System Date and Time Values All system date and time values are derived from the operating system of the computer ...
The above use case has demonstrated the day, months, and week part, lets do it for the time part of specified date like hours, minutes, and seconds. I have also used the GETDATE() function to return the current date-time so that you can compare the results of the DATEADD function use...
里面三个参数,对应时分秒,由 TIME 返回的十进制数字是一个范围在 0(零)到 0.99988426 之间的值,表示 0:00:00 (12:00:00 AM) 到 23:59:59 (11:59:59 P.M.) 之间的时间 DATEVALUE(date_text) DATEVALUE 函数将存储为文本的日期转换为 Excel 识别为日期的序列号,里面只有一个参数,也就是文本格式的日...
SELECTCAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE()),113)ASdatetime) -- This time Next thursday (today if it is thursday) SELECTDATEADD(DAY,((7-DATEPART(dw,GETDATE())+(((@@Datefirst+3)%7)+2))%7),GETDATE()) -- Two hours time ...
DATEADD(date_part, number, date) is used to add numbers to a given date. For example, you can add 1 to the month value of your date using this syntax. SELECT DATEADD(month, 1, '2023-08-10'); Copy You should also check out this article onSQL date and time functions and how to ...