where EndDate is not null and -- the last date range boundary has no lead value, this is to exclude the last row for each overlapped pair. StartDate is not null and -- exclude null values where an override range does not overlap with default ranges. (from the left join query) StartD...
arrays_overlap 函式 arrays_zip 函式 ascii 函式 asin 函式 asinh 函式 assert_true 函式 asterisksign 運算子 atan 函式 atan2 函式 atanh 函式 avg 函式 bangeqsign 運算子 bangsign 運算子 base64 函式 between 運算子 bigint 函式 bin 函式 binary 函式 bit_and 函式 bit_count 函式 ...
PKI-Overlap-Period PKT PKT-Guid Policy-Replication-Flags Port-Name Possible-Inferiors Poss-Superiors Postal-Address Postal-Code Post-Office-Box Preferred-Delivery-Method preferredLanguage Preferred-OU Prefix-Map Presentation-Address Previous-CA-Certificates Previous-Parent-CA...
how to avoid iframe overlap how to avoid multiple browser's tabs sharing the same session how to avoid post back to whole page How to avoid reading empty line in CSV file How to avoid Showing Original Path in stack trace any Error occur how to avoid the repeated values stored in dropd...
When a row is inserted into an application-period temporal table, an error is returned if the period that is defined by the begin column and end column of the application period overlap with the period that is defined by the begin column and end column of the application period for another...
This data consistency check ensures that existing records don't overlap. Performing the data consistency check is the default. Use this argument with the PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME and GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW { START | END } arguments to enable system versioning on a table. For more information, ...
This data consistency check ensures that existing records don't overlap. Running the data consistency check is the default. Use the SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON argument on a table that is defined with the PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause to make the existing table a temporal table. For more ...
Функция arrays_overlap Функция arrays_zip Функция ascii функция asin Функция asinh Функция assert_true Операторзнаказвездочки Функция atan функция atan2 функция atanh Функция ...
使用字元集編碼charSet,將二進位expr轉譯為字元串。 語法 decode(expr, charSet) 引數 exprBINARY:在 中編碼的charset表達式。 charSet:STRING運算式。 傳回 STRING。 如果charSet不符合編碼,則結果未定義。 支援下列字元集編碼方式(不區分大小寫): 'US-ASCII':七位 ASCII、ISO646-US。
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