EnableCrossDatabaseFolding:邏輯 (true/false) 值,如果為 true,則允許在相同伺服器上的資料庫之間查詢摺疊。 預設值為 false。 例如,將記錄參數指定為 [option1 = value1,option2 = value2 ...] 或 [Query = "select ..."]。 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎?
这是写法问题,意思根据sql语句通过query来查询某数据库的记录。当然也可以对数据库进行insert delete 等...
EnableCrossDatabaseFolding: A logical (true/false) value that, if true, allows query folding across databases on the same server. The default value is false.The record parameter is specified as [option1 = value1, option2 = value2...] or [Query = "select ..."] for example.О...
Objects in tempdb, including catalog views and dynamic management views (DMVs), are accessible via a cross-database reference to the tempdb database. For example, you can query the sys.database_files view:SQL Copy SELECT file_id, type_desc, name, size, max_size, growth FROM tempdb.sys...
在对象资源管理器中,右键单击“mySampleDatabase”,并选择“新建查询” 。 此时会打开一个连接到数据库的新查询窗口。 在查询窗口中粘贴以下 SQL 查询: SQL 复制 SELECT pc.Name AS CategoryName, p.name AS ProductName FROM [SalesLT].[ProductCategory] AS pc INNER JOIN [SalesLT].[Product] AS p ON...
EnableCrossDatabaseFolding: A logical (true/false) value that, if true, allows query folding across databases on the same server. The default value is false.The record parameter is specified as [option1 = value1, option2 = value2...] or [Query = "select ..."] for example.Feed...
SQL Query Examples These are examples of queries you can use to return list values from the Enterprise PDM database. List All Unique Values Stored in a Specified Variable This example lists values by replacing the variable name. Select distinct Vv.ValueCache...
var returnString = db.Database.SqlQuery<string>(" 可执行的sql语句 ").First(); ExecuteSqlCommand() 增、删、改 返回影响行数 //无参存储过程 var ChangeRows= db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec 存储过程名"); //有参存储过程 //使用SqlParameter传值可以避免SQL注入 ...
System.Data.Entity Assembly: EntityFramework.dll Overloads Expand table SqlQuery(Type, String, Object[]) Creates a raw SQL query that will return elements of the given type. The type can be any type that has properties that match the names of the columns returned from the query, or can ...
Database.SqlQuery MethodReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: System.Data.Entity Assembly: EntityFramework.dll OverloadsExpand table SqlQuery(Type, String, Object[]) Creates a raw SQL query that will return elements of the given type. The type can be any type that has properties that ...