有时候我们希望对SQL Server中的数据库只具有读的权限,而不可以更改,这时候就需要为SQL Server中的数据库设置sead-only模式。 ALTER DATABASE database-name SET READ_ONLY 如果想改回读写模式: ALTER DATABASE database-name SET READ_WRITE
Is XA mode mandatory to access a SQL Server database in read only ? server.logentry similar to Raw WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jta] (Periodic Recovery) ARJUNA016027: Local XARecoveryModule.xaRecovery got XA exception XAException.XAER_RMERR: javax.transaction.xa.XAException: The function RECOVER: faile...
ISqlDatabaseOptions.IsReadOnly 属性 项目 2011/08/12 本文内容 语法 .NET Framework 安全性 请参见 获取或设置一个值,该值指示更新状态是否为 READ_ONLY。 命名空间: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel 程序集: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql(在 Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.dll 中) 语法 C# 复制 ...
Thank you for responding. I am restoring differential backups in standby mode every day so i want to rename the database and it should be standby/read-only mode so that i am able to restore next day differential backup on the database. but i can do Restore database dbname with Recove...
if user's server-side privileges allows for writes. In 'Read-Only mode' you will be able to retrieve data from the server, use user variables, define SESSION-scope of server variables and everything else you need to work with data as long as you don't need to write to the server. ...
READ_ONLY_PROMPT_TEMPLATE="""You are a MySQL expert. The database is currently in read-only mode. Given an input question, determine if the related SQL can be executed in read-only mode. If the SQL can be executed normally, return Answer:'SQL can be executed normally'. If the SQL ...
SQL Server The target database ('db') is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. 一、问题概述 在错误日志中看到非常多的alwayson群集只读连接错误,错误信息的描述为“目标数据库位于可用性...
执行SQL发生错误!错误:attempt to write a readonly database 找到SQLite数据库所在的文件夹,单击右键,属性->安全,为Users用户组添加写入权限(如果是虚拟主机,把虚拟主机用户设置写入权限即可)。再试一下,
Only one step left — we just use the ALTER DATABASE statement again to change the FileGroup to read-only mode: ALTER DATABASE Test MODIFY FILEGROUP ReadOnlyFileGroup READONLY; GO We can still read data from the table in the standard way: ...
Database Engine 隔離等級 ISO 標準會定義以下隔離等級,且資料庫引擎可完全支援: 展開資料表 隔離等級定義 READ UNCOMMITTED 最低隔離等級,隔離交易僅能確保不會讀取已實體不一致的資料。 這種等級下允許中途讀取,所以任何交易可能看得到其他交易所做的尚未認可變更。 READ COMMITTED 允許交易對另一筆交易先前讀取 (未...