SQL Server The target database ('db') is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. 一、问题概述 在错误日志中看到非常多的alwayson群集只读连接错误,错误信息的描述为“目标数据库位于可用性...
SQL Server The target database ('db') is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. 一、问题概述 在错误日志中看到非常多的alwayson群集只读连接错误,错误信息的描述为“目标数据库位于可用性...
The remote storage availability model includes two layers:A stateless compute layer that runs the database engine process and contains only transient and cached data, such as the tempdb and model databases on the attached SSD, and plan cache, buffer pool, and columnstore pool in memory. This ...
physical machine that hosts the SQL database engine Other problems with the SQL database engine Other potential unplanned local outages The default availability solution is designed to ensure that committed data is never lost due to failures, that maintenance operations don't affect your workload, ...
-- 查询当前可用性组及其状态SELECTag.nameAS[AvailabilityGroupName],ar.replica_server_nameAS[Replica Server Name],ags.database_nameAS[DatabaseName],ags.sync_state_descAS[Synchronization State],ags.primary_replicaAS[PrimaryReplica]FROMsys.availability_groupsASagJOINsys.dm_hadr_availability_group_statesA...
使用Resume-SqlAvailabilityDatabasecmdlet 恢复可用性组。 例如,下面的命令针对可用性组MyDb3中的可用性数据库MyAg恢复数据同步。 Resume-SqlAvailabilityDatabase ` -Path SQLSERVER:\Sql\Computer\Instance\AvailabilityGroups\MyAg\Databases\MyDb3 备注 若要查看 cmdlet 的语法,请在PowerShell 环境中使用Get-Help S...
availability groupA container for a set of databases,availability databases, that fail over together. availability databaseA database that belongs to an availability group. For each availability database, the availability group maintains a single read-write copy (theprimar...
The Always On availability groups feature is a high-availability and disaster-recovery solution that provides an enterprise-level alternative to database mirroring. Always On availability groups maximizes the availability of a set of user databases for an enterprise. An availability group supports a ...
使用Resume-SqlAvailabilityDatabaseCmdlet 繼續可用性群組。 例如,下列命令會針對可用性群組MyDb3中的可用性資料庫MyAg繼續進行資料同步處理。 Resume-SqlAvailabilityDatabase ` -Path SQLSERVER:\Sql\Computer\Instance\AvailabilityGroups\MyAg\Databases\MyDb3 ...
高可用集群( High Availability Cluster) 负载均衡集群(Load Balance Cluster) 科学计算集群(High Performance Computing Cluster) 1、高可用集群(High Availability Cluster) 常见的就是2个节点做成的HA集群,有很多通俗的不科学的名称,比如”双机热备”, “双机互备”, “双机”。