Using a stored procedure with a return status Using a stored procedure with an update count Using table-valued parameters Handling complex statements Using multiple result sets Using parameter metadata Using result set metadata Transactions Understanding row locking ...
mysql>DELIMITER//mysql>CREATEPROCEDUREproc1--name存储过程名->(INparameter1INTEGER)->BEGIN->DECLAREvariable1CHAR(10);->IFparameter1=17THEN->SETvariable1='birds';->ELSE->SETvariable1='beasts';->ENDIF;->INSERTINTOtable1VALUES(variable1);->END->//mysql>DELIMITER ; 三.MySQL存储过程的调用 用ca...
--1、 不带参数的存储过程:创建一个存储过程,查看所有读者的姓名、可借本数、可借天数和已借书本数。 create procedure usp_selelctReader as select rdName,canLendQty,canLendDay,rdBorrowQty from Reader, ReaderType where Reader.rdType=ReaderType.rdType --测试执行 exec usp_selelctReader 1. 2. 3. ...
登录触发器:登录触发器将为响应 LOGON 事件而激发存储过程。 CREATE TRIGGER `<databaseName>`.`<triggerName>`< [ BEFORE|AFTER ] > < [ INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE ] >ON [dbo]//dbo代表该表的所有者FOR EACH ROW BEGIN--dosomething END|
(NULL) } # Create a StoredProcedure object sp_ds_ds <- StoredProcedure(etl1, "spTest", filePath = ".", dbName ="RevoTestDB") # Define a connection string conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;", "Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep =...
cmd.Parameters["@ID"].Value = ID;*/ using (SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { sdr.Read(); //... sdr.Close(); } conn.Close(); }} 這樣跑起來沒問題。可是如果把cmd改成呼叫Stored Procedure(即被註解掉那兩段),在呼叫GetRelation時就會出現"執行使用者自訂常...
仅使用SQL语法生成create stored procedure脚本 create stored procedure是用于在数据库中创建存储过程的SQL语法。存储过程是一组预编译的SQL语句集合,可被作为单元来执行。 概念:存储过程是一种数据库对象,它可以被存储在数据库中,并可以被应用程序或其他存储过程调用。它可以接受参数、执行逻辑操作、返回结果集,...
Right-click Stored Procedures, and then select New > Stored Procedure. A new query window opens with a template for the stored procedure. The default stored procedure template has two parameters. If your stored procedure has fewer, more, or no parameters, add or remove parameter lines in the...
Binding the replaced version of the procedure might result in a new access path even if the routine body is not changed. When you replace a version of a procedure, the data types, CCSID specifications, and character data attributes (FOR BIT/SBCS/MIXED DATA) of the parameters must be the ...
The syntax of your stored procedure is incorrect. You need to provide the input parameters inside ...